This is the first user study related to my PhD thesis investigating online social conformity.
The main objective of this experiment was to investigate how popular face-to-face conformity determinants impact conformity in online settings.
We looked at how contextual determinants such as majority - minority group composition, and task objectivity, as well as subjective determinants like participant gender, self-confidence and personality traits influence conformity behaviour in an online quiz.
I created a simple web application to simulate an online quiz, where our participants answered a set of objective and subjective questions, followed by a big-five questionnaire (which captured their personality traits).
For more information on this experiment, please refer to our paper at
Step 1: Download this repository which includes the server code.
Step 2: Run "npm install" using a Command Line Interface (CLI) to install all packages required for the server to run.
Step 3: Run "node app.js" on a CLI to start the server.
Step 4: Download the web application code at
Step 5: Open the "index.html" page of the web application to start the quiz.
For any inquiries, please contact me at senuri.wijenayake [at]