
Simple python automation test framework for mobile, using pytest + appium + selene + grappa

Primary LanguagePython

Pitonium 🐍

Simplify automation framework for Mobile using Appium and python Inspired by: https://github.com/ibalagurov/heisenbug_piter_2018_example


  • Installed Python 3.7
  • Installed Appium server
  • Installed all appium depedencies

Install Depedencies

pip3 install pipenv pipenv install

Running Test

make sure appium server is up and running: run in console: appium --log-level warn:debug

PLATFORM=ANDROID pipenv run pytest tests/ui/ PLATFORM=IOS pipenv run pytest tests/ui/

Specific test to run pipenv run pytest -s tests/scenarios/explorer_test.py::test_searching_person_and_follow

Technology used

  • Pytest : Test runner
  • Selene : Wrapper selenium / appium with good DSL
  • Appium : Automation library for mobile
  • Grappa : Cool assertion for readable test writes assert/expect

Demo test running

Pitonium is running

Running in multi device


  • run 2 instance appium
  • appium -p 4723 and appium -p 4724
  • execute bash to run parllel ./run_android_test.sh

Pitonium are running