
Primary LanguageJavaScript


what is it?

Go Flo's purpose is to provide hip hop and rap artist with a medium to share their music as well as create new music. Go Flo will have the ability to help artist share and collaborate with each other as well as compete via a matchmaking system in which their peers will determine the winner.

Build status

Currently under construction

Tech used

Built with...

  • React-Native
  • React-Navigation
  • Redux
  • Firebase
  • Expo-cli


  • fork repo

  • once forked, navigate to forked repo in github

  • copy the link to clone the repo by pressing the green code button or use this https://github.com/Seo-the-platinum/GoFloApp.git

  • once you copy the link, open gitbash and cd to where you want to store the repo and its files. i.e in the downloads folder

*now that you are in the desired location in gitbash, run git clone uding the link. i.e git clone https://github.com/Seo-the-platinum/GoFloApp.git

  • oonce it is done installing, use npm start to run the project

How to use

  • once the project is up and running, use the sign up button on the bottom of the login screen to create an account
  • after creating an account, go back to the login screen to sign in with the info you just used.
  • Now that you're logged in, you can customize your profile using the customize tab on the right.
  • You can also search and add friends using the magnifying tab at the bottom right
  • You can send messages to other users by touching the messages link on the profile page