Before executing the code, you should download the arcface weight file from (!AhMqVPD44cDOhkPsOU2S_HFpY9dC) and place the weight file at: weight/model_ir_se50.pth.
How to execute: If the video path is ./path_to_video/video.mp4, run the following command:
python --videoFolder ./path_to_video --videoName video
When you execute, the following files will be generated:
├── pyavi
│ ├── audio.wav (Audio from input video)
│ ├── video.avi (Copy of the input video)
│ ├── video_only.avi (Output video without audio)
│ └── video_out.avi (Output video with audio)
├── pycrop (The detected face videos and audios)
│ ├── 000000.avi
│ ├── 000000.wav
│ ├── 000001.avi
│ ├── 000001.wav
│ └── ...
├── pyframes (All the video frames in this video)
│ ├── 000001.jpg
│ ├── 000002.jpg
│ └── ...
└── pywork
├── faces.pckl (face detection result)
├── scene.pckl (scene detection result)
├── scores.pckl (ASD result)
├── tracks.pckl (face tracking result)
└── identity_result.pckl (identity result)
scores.pckl have the following format:
# for track 1
Talking score for frame 1,
Talking score for frame 2,
Talking score for frame T_1,
], [
# for track 2
Talking score for frame 1,
Talking score for frame 2,
Talking score for frame T_1,
The talking score is between 0 and 1. The higher the score, the more likely the person is talking.
The identity_result.pckl have the following format:
Face Id number of track 1,
Face Id number of track 2,
Face Id number of track N,
The tracks.pckl have the following format:
# for track 1
‘bbox’ : [
bbox for track 1 frame n_start,
bbox for track 1 frame n_end,
‘frame’: [
track 1 frame number n_start,
track 1 frame number n_end,
… # track 1, …, N