
Turborepo Remote Cache's open source implementation

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Turborepo Remote Cache

Turborepo Remote Cache's open source alternative.

It supports Cloudflare Workers and Node.js.


  1. Login and link
    # In a monorepo
    turbo login --login YOUR_DOMAIN --api YOUR_DOMAIN/api
    turbo link --login YOUR_DOMAIN --api YOUR_DOMAIN/api
  2. Edit .turbo/config.json
      "apiurl": "YOUR_DOMAIN/api",
      "loginurl": "YOUR_DOMAIN",
      "teamslug": null,
      "teamid": "YOUR_ORG"


1. Setup

pnpm install
cp .dev.vars.example .dev.vars

1. GitHub OAuth App

  1. Create a GitHub OAuth app link
  2. Set the redirection URL as http://localhost:8787/turborepo/redirect
  3. Create a secret
  4. Copy them to .dev.vars
  5. Set an organization to allow to access the cache

2-1. Using R2

  1. Create buckets for Turbo
    wrangler r2 bucket create turbo-artifacts
    wrangler r2 bucket create preview-turbo-artifacts
  2. Comment TOKENS on wrangler.toml
    - [[kv_namespaces]]
    - binding = "TOKENS"
    - id = "c26c953846004524851a7bca67b624e6"
    - preview_id = "b4ec6bc69c3e415289ec3d47fde77712"
    + # [[kv_namespaces]]
    + # binding = "TOKENS"
    + # id = "c26c953846004524851a7bca67b624e6"
    + # preview_id = "b4ec6bc69c3e415289ec3d47fde77712"

2-2. Using GCP

  1. Create a bucket
  2. Create a Google Service Account for the bucket and download it to a JSON file
  3. Encode the account to Base64 string, then set GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT of .dev.vars
    cat ./service-account.json | base64
  4. Comment R2 config on wrangler.toml
    - [[r2_buckets]]
    - binding = "TURBO_ARTIFACTS"
    - bucket_name = "turbo-artifacts"
    - preview_bucket_name = "preview-turbo-artifacts"
    + # [[r2_buckets]]
    + # binding = "TURBO_ARTIFACTS"
    + # bucket_name = "turbo-artifacts"
    + # preview_bucket_name = "preview-turbo-artifacts"
  5. Create KV namespaces for GCP tokens
    wrangler kv:namespace create TOKENS
    wrangler kv:namespace create TOKENS --preview
  6. Replace TOKENS's IDs on wrangler.toml
  7. Set BUCKET_NAME on .dev.vars

Deployment (Cloudflare Workers)

  1. Do the above "development" steps
  2. Run wrangler publish
  3. Set variables and secrets

Deployment (Node.js)

  1. Do the above "development" steps via using GCP
  2. Run docker build . -t turbo-cache
  3. Run docker run --env-file .dev.vars -it -p 8787:8787 turbo-cache