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  • CentOS OVAL
  • Split oval by severity
  • Automatic update and revise with official security


OS Release Upstream Status
redhat RHEL5 - RHEL8 https://www.redhat.com/security/data/oval/ syncing
centos EL5 - EL8 https://www.redhat.com/security/data/oval/ syncing


​ scripts/rh2el.py

usage: rh2el.py [-h] oval_file output_file

redhat oval definition adapt to centos

positional arguments:
  oval_file    redhat oval file path
  output_file  redhat oval output file path

Files Tree:

├── centos										
│   ├── com.redhat.rhsa-EL7-Critical.xml        #oval severity is critical
│   ├── com.redhat.rhsa-EL7-Important.xml       #oval severity is important
│   ├── com.redhat.rhsa-EL7-Low.xml             #oval severity is low
│   ├── com.redhat.rhsa-EL7-Moderate.xml        #oval severity is moderate
│   ├── com.redhat.rhsa-EL7.xml                 #all severity oval on centos7
│   ├── ...
└── redhat										
    ├── com.redhat.rhsa-RHEL7-Critical.xml		
    ├── com.redhat.rhsa-RHEL7-Important.xml		
    ├── com.redhat.rhsa-RHEL7-Low.xml			
    ├── com.redhat.rhsa-RHEL7-Moderate.xml		
    ├── com.redhat.rhsa-RHEL7.xml				
    ├── ...

Quick Start

Identify software vulnerabilities on centos 7 with oscap which is a best scap scanner provided by openscap.

  • Download oval-for-el

    git clone https://github.com/Sep0lkit/oval-for-el.git
  • Install oscap

    sudo yum install openscap openscap-scnner
  • Run oscap oval

    • check all vulnerabilities defined for centos7

      oscap oval eval com.redhat.rhsa-EL7.xml
    • only check one vulnerabilitiy

      Ex: shellchock(CVE-2014-6271). this vulnerabilitiy defined with id oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20141293 in com.redhat.rhsa-EL7.xml

      oscap oval eval --id oval:com.redhat.rhsa:def:20141293 com.redhat.rhsa-EL7.xml
    • export html report with options --report

      oscap oval eval --report centos7.html  com.redhat.rhsa-EL7.xml

    Consle output:oval console ouput

    HTML report:

    html report

    Result: true means the vulnerability exists, and the true results always before false in html report

Details on ovals above


  • split by severity


  • convert from redhat oval

  • cpe and criterions for centos


  • rpm signature key check for centos


  • split by severity


Linux OVAL

Getting Help

Twitter: @sep0lkit