
The Main Program is : "LinearAdvection_MAIN.cpp", under "StarUp1D"
This porgram uses the Eigen library which needs to be included in the path

Solving the 1D Linear Advection probelem using the STRONG form of the Discontinous Galerkin Method with use of explicit Runge-Kutta (RK) methods for integration in the temporal dimension.

For calculating the flux, this program uses an upwind scheme (Change ALPHA to 1.0 for Central).
ALPHA = 0.0 //Upwind
ALPHA = 1.0 //Central

Problem specifications:
// for x ranging [0, 2*pi]
xmin = 0.0 ; xmax = 2.0 * pi

FinalTime = 10.0 //State after 10s

a = 2.0 * pi //Advection Speed

NODETOL = 1e-10