
100-Days-of-Leetcode-Challenges is a repository that contains my solutions and explanations for various coding problems from Leetcode, one of the most popular online platforms for practicing and improving your programming skills. Leetcode offers hundreds of problems covering different topics, such as arrays, strings, trees, graphs, dynamic programm

Primary LanguagePython

100 Days of Leetcode Challenges



In this Repository we have provided all our solutions for problems on different topics about data structures and algorithms on LeetCode, for solving a problem mostly there are more than just one ways, and you can only see some of them here.

On LeetCode, you can use tutorials and study plans to learn fundamental and advanced data structures and algorithms, compete in contests, use guides to prepare for top companies, exercise your problem solving skills by solving real interview questions, and much more. Thus, this website is a good source of knowledge for programmers in different levels.

Where to start: As long as you follow the order shown in the flow chart, you will minimize the probability of running into material that is too challenging too early on. Although, for the smoothest results, we recommend going through the explore cards in the order listed here. The numbers below correspond to the questionnaire result.

  1. First and Second Layers: Arrays 101, Linked List, Array and String, Hash Table, Recursion, Queue & Stack, Heap, and Binary Search

  2. Second and Third Layers: Recursion, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Trie, N-ary Tree, and Recursion II

  3. Third and Fourth Layers: Recursion II, Dynamic Programming, and Graph

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