SparkplugNet is a library to use the Sparkplug industrial IoT (IIoT) standard in .Net. It uses MQTTnet in the background.
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Adding version for .NET nanoFramework
#118 opened by josesimoes - 1
Composite Metric?
#116 opened by simmarn - 1
Question: Why is UInt32 transferred as LongValue?
#108 opened by heppth - 0
bdSeq Timestamp is null
#117 opened by MRIIOT - 0
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Cannot receive device metrics via DCMD
#114 opened by tszpakowicz - 0
Question: Optional use of alias
#113 opened by IRobot1 - 3
HostApplication Required Known Metrics
#101 opened by ankitagojiya - 0
Support for property set list
#112 opened by thuyenle1999 - 0
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Negative integer set value
#96 opened by petrosinoE80 - 0
Metrics only updated when dataReceived handler is attached and other metrics are removed
#106 opened by Geens - 0
Datatype should not be send with every message.
#105 opened by NklsP - 0
Link between Device and Node
#104 opened by NklsP - 3
Not able to deserialize the sparkplug metric via System.Text.Json or Newtonsoft.Json.
#98 opened by malavvvakharia - 10
Authentication with TLS Certificate
#83 opened by petrosinoE80 - 0
Application known metrics by topic class
#95 opened by jeff-pf - 2
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Sequence Number is missing in NodeDataReceivedAsync & NodeBirthReceivedAsync
#59 opened by ankitagojiya - 12
Not able to publish any new metric via NDATA or NCMD which is not available in NBIRTH.
#85 opened by malavvvakharia - 9
philosophy of known metrics
#93 opened by jeff-pf - 0
Issue with TLS Option
#94 opened by adityashahazilen - 1
birth metrics not passed to FireNodeBirthRecevied
#92 opened by jeff-pf - 1
sessionNumberMetric in application
#91 opened by jeff-pf - 15
Clients unable to parse published propertyset
#80 opened by oceanic76 - 9
- 0
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Must NBIRTH sequence number always be '0'?
#57 opened by buentead - 0
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#88 opened by petrosinoE80 - 2
NDEATH trigger problem
#75 opened by petrosinoE80 - 3
Not able to access StringValue, IntValue, TemplateValue but all the details will be now come under the value section.(Version 1.3.4)
#86 opened by malavvvakharia - 2
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Remove dependency of Serilog
#74 opened by tkouba - 2
NCMD Event only receive single metric
#73 opened by adityashahazilen - 3
Interest to share with Eclipse Foundation?
#76 opened by scottmwyant - 2
VersionB PropertyValue.ValueCase return 20 after setting DataType to DataType.PropertySetList
#72 opened by thuyenle1999 - 3
UInt64 reading problem
#70 opened by petrosinoE80 - 11
ArrayValues are missing metrics
#64 opened by ankitagojiya - 4
Check endianess in conversions.
#71 opened by SeppPenner - 5
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Not able to publish metrics with values from edge node (For all datatypes)
#66 opened by ankitagojiya - 8
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SparkplugApplication Required Known Metrics
#58 opened by ankitagojiya - 5
Datetime metric types
#55 opened by evonz-mx - 5
Metric Class Integer Property is uint?
#56 opened by Kvargefar