
Creating a working one-pager in one day

Primary LanguageCSS

Guerrilla Web Page Design

Assignment: Create a one-page website in 8 hours.


Your coach assigns you to a project. Create and deploy before 5PM a one-pager that looks better and communicates more clearly than their current site, And don't forget to make it responsive ;)

Feel free to do this excercise however you want. So use a template, a framework, write it from the ground up. We don't care, but have a site ready by the end of the day.


- make a web page
- available time is 8 hours
- has to be more clear than current site
- add responsiveness
- use whatever tools you deem necessary
- have the site ready at the end of the day

Getting started

The website I had to improve can be found here:


It is a site from a small museum in Merksem. Problems I wanted to fix:

-   Unclear navigation
-   first page is too long
-   too many navigation tabs
-   bad pictures
-   too much text
-   font is too small

I decided to take a look at existing templates to get inspiration.

Web Page


Here you can find the most up-to-date version of the web-page.

Credit where credit is due

I ended up at html5 UP and started from a template.

source: https://html5up.net/