
Septarius' Driven Assimilator, Determined Exterminator, Devouring Swarm, and Fanatic Purifier Diplomacy

Primary LanguageAMPL

Septarius' Driven Assimilator, Determined Exterminator, Devouring Swarm, and Fanatic Purifier Diplomacy

Allow the Driven Assimilators, Determined Exterminators, Devouring Swarms and Fanatic Purifiers in your life to be able to co-op with you. Not all alone in the dark galaxy brooding and plotting your demise. This allows all known diplomatic actions, all galactic wide events (community, empire, council, market, vassels) and trade with the artisans and traveling merchants.

Include's the stop spam / shut up modifers for the actions that were modified. This way, this mod can be used without causing spam. If you want to use this mod and have spam, (not sure why), feel free to make an override mod. For the rest of the spam reduction see: StopSpam https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2933806344 or "Shut Up We Don't Care" [Currently not supported in this patch]

If other mods override these specific actions/events would require a compatibility patch to function.

Overrides: common\diplomatic_actions\00_actions action_improve_relation action_harm_relation action_offer_trade_deal action_make_rival action_form_defensive_pact action_form_non_aggression_pact action_form_commercial_pact action_form_research_agreement action_guarantee_independence action_support_independence action_form_migration_pact action_offer_federation_association_status action_ask_for_federation_association_status action_invite_to_federation action_ask_to_join_federation action_open_borders action_demand_subjugation action_ask_to_become_subjugated action_embassy action_pledge_secret_fealty action_propose_secret_fealty action_reveal_presence action_societal_enlightenment action_open_technological_enlightenment action_pre_ftl_trade

common\game_rules\00_rules can_release_vassal can_use_galactic_market can_be_part_of_galactic_community can_be_part_of_galactic_empire can_be_part_of_galactic_council

events\caravaneer_events.txt events\federations_events_3.txt events\leviathans_events_1.txt