
A Lightweight Library for Accessing Quran Data

Primary LanguageKotlin



NgajiQuran is a library for getting Surah & Ayah Data of Al-Quran. This API data source comes from quran.kemenag.go.id


Use Gradle. Add it in your settings.gradle at the end of repositories:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

then, add the dependecy in your build.gradle file (Module)

dependencies {
	 implementation 'com.github.SeptiawanAjiP:NgajiQuran:Tag'

replace Tag with the version. Don't forget to add internet permission on your AndroidManifest


NgajiQuran.getListSurah { listSurah ->
    Log.d("SURAH SIZE", ""+listSurah!!.size)

// set surah id as a parameter
NgajiQuran.getListAyahBySurahId(1) {
        listAyah ->
    Log.d("AYAH SIZE ", ""+listAyah!!.size)