XML Conversation Translator for Barotrauma


It works for translating from any language that does not use Cyrillic into Russian.


  • Loads conversation lines from an XML file.
  • Skips lines that contain Russian text, with an option to display these lines.
  • Saves the translated lines back to the original XML file.
  • Tracks the number of translated lines and remaining English lines.

Getting Started


  • .NET SDK 8
  • Newtonsoft.Json library


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Ser1-1y/BarotraumaConversationsTranslate.git
    cd BarotraumaConversationsTranslate
  2. Open the project.

  3. Restore the NuGet packages if necessary.


You can configure application using config.json or settings menu.


  1. Run the application.
  2. Input the path to the XML file you wish to translate.
  3. Translate lines. Type Exit to stop.
  4. The translated XML will be saved, and a summary of the translation session will be displayed.

Example XML Structure

The XML file should contain conversation nodes structured as follows:

  <Conversation line="I've been seeing an increase in rookie captains. High schoolers, applying for submarining early in life." speaker="0" maxintensity="0.4">
    <Conversation line="They hold tryouts sometimes. I've heard the standards are extremely low." speaker="1">
      <Conversation line="You've got that right." speaker="0" />
      <Conversation line="I wouldn't want any of them to captain a submarine I'm on..." speaker="2" speakertags="fearful" />
    <Conversation line="Enthusiasm hastens their demise." speaker="1" speakertags="nihilist">
      <Conversation line="I doubt that's true!" speaker="2" speakertags="optimist" />
      <Conversation line="I can't say anything jokey. This just makes me sad." speaker="2" speakertags="joker" />


Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue for any enhancements or bug fixes.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.