
Firmware of usbasp & usbisp programmer

Primary LanguageAssembly

This is the README file for USBasp.

USBasp is a USB in-circuit programmer for Atmel AVR controllers. It simply
consists of an ATMega88 or an ATMega8 and a couple of passive components.
The programmer uses a firmware-only USB driver, no special USB controller
is needed.

Current version is based on source of Thomas Fischl <tfischl@gmx.de> http://www.fischl.de from 2011-05-28
And was created to enable support another clone of usbasp device - usbisp. Usbisp has minor difference in schema.

- Works under multiple platforms. Linux, Mac OS X and Windows are tested.
- No special controllers or smd components are needed.
- Programming speed is up to 5kBytes/sec.
- SCK option to support targets with low clock speed (< 1,5MHz).


USBasp is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL version
2 (see "firmware/usbdrv/License.txt" for details).

USBasp is built with V-USB driver by OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT GmbH. See
"firmware/usbdrv/" for further information.


This package includes a circuit diagram. This circuit can only be used for
programming 5V target systems. For other systems a level converter is needed.

The firmware dosn't support USB Suspend Mode. A bidirectional serial
interface to slave exists in hardware but the firmware doesn't support it yet.


Every release has source code and archives of compiled firmwares.
For example:
  "Source code (zip)"
Where "usbasp-firmware_vXX.zip" - firmwares for usbasp/usbisp.
Extract zip with firmwares and flash "usbasp.atmega8X.xxxx-xx-xx.hex" to the used controller with a working programmer (e.g. with avrdude, uisp, ...). Set jumper J2 to activate USBasp firmware update function (for usbisp it should be jumper between PC6-RESET & PB2-SS/OC1B).
You have to change the fuse bits for external crystal (see "make fuses").
# TARGET=atmega8    HFUSE=0xc9  LFUSE=0xef
# TARGET=atmega48   HFUSE=0xdd  LFUSE=0xff
# TARGET=atmega88   HFUSE=0xdd  LFUSE=0xff

Start Windows and connect USBasp to the system.
Usbasp/usbisp needs to install driver, please find it in the internet or try to use the Zadic utility (https://zadig.akeo.ie).
Now you can run avrdude. Examples:
1. Enter terminal mode with an AT90S2313 connected to the programmer:
   avrdude -c usbasp -p at90s2313 -t
2. Write main.hex to the flash of an ATmega8:
   avrdude -c usbasp -p atmega8 -U flash:w:main.hex

Setting jumpers:
J1 Power target
   Supply target with 5V (USB voltage) or 3V (in case the device with voltage convertor to 3.3). Be careful with this option, the
   circuit isn't protected against short circuit!
   *usbisp does not support this feature.
J2 Jumper for firmware upgrade (not self-upgradable)
   Set this jumper for flashing the ATMega(4)8 of USBasp with another working
   *For usbisp it should be jumper between PC6-RESET & PB2-SS/OC1B   
J3 SCK option
   If the target clock is lower than 1,5 MHz, you have to set this jumper.
   Then SCK is scaled down from 375 kHz to about 8 kHz.
   *usbisp does not support this feature.


To compile the firmware
1. install the GNU toolchain for AVR microcontrollers (avr-gcc, avr-libc),
2. change directory to firmware
3. change TARGET parameter in the makefile file if necessary (by default there is atemega8 and available to select atmega8, atmega88 or atmega48)
4. run "make all"
5. flash "hex" file to the ATMega. E.g. with uisp or avrdude (check
the Makefile option "make flash" or "make program" to program memory and fuses). To flash the firmware you have
to set jumper J2 and connect USBasp to a working programmer.
You have to change the fuse bits for external crystal, (check the Makefile
option "make fuses").

Software (avrdude):
AVRDUDE supports USBasp since version 5.2. 
1. install libusb: http://libusb.sourceforge.net/
2. get latest avrdude release: http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/avrdude/
3. cd avrdude-X.X.X
5. configure to your environment:
   ./bootstrap (I had to comment out the two if-blocks which verify the
                installed versions of autoconf and automake)
6. compile and install it:
   make install

Notes on Windows (Cygwin):
Download libusb-win32-device-bin-x.x.x.x.tar.gz from
http://libusb-win32.sourceforge.net/ and unpack it.
-> copy lib/gcc/libusb.a to lib-path
-> copy include/usb.h to include-path
cd avrdude
./configure LDFLAGS="-static" --enable-versioned-doc=no

Notes on Darwin/MacOS X:
after "./configure" I had to edit Makefile:
change "avrdude_CPPFLAGS" to "AM_CPPFLAGS"
(why is this needed only on mac? bug in configure.ac?)

Notes on Linux:
To use USBasp as non-root, you have to define some device rules. See
bin/linux-nonroot for an example.


Readme.txt ...................... The file you are currently reading
firmware ........................ Source code of the controller firmware
firmware/usbdrv ................. AVR USB driver by Objective Development
firmware/usbdrv/License.txt ..... Public license for AVR USB driver and USBasp
circuit ......................... Circuit diagram in PDF and EAGLE format


For more information on USBasp and it's components please visit the
following URLs:

USBasp .......................... http://www.fischl.de/usbasp/

Firmware-only V-USB driver ...... http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/
avrdude ......................... http://www.nongnu.org/avrdude/
libusb .......................... http://libusb.sourceforge.net/
libusb-win32 .................... http://libusb-win32.sourceforge.net/
