verinice REST service
This project which provides a REST service for a verinice database. The verinice REST service is a Spring Boot application build with Maven.
The project consist of several modules to separate concerns. This section describes the modules of the project.
Module verinice-interface contains classes and interfaces which are shared by all other modules.
Module verinice-persistence contains objects to access data from the database and the Java Persistence API (JPA) configuration.
Module verinice-service contains a Java API of the service.
Module verinice-rest contains the REST controller for the service.
To build the application run
mvn install
you can then install the ./verinice-rest/target/verinice-rest-xxx.jar.
If want to start SpringBoot in development you can then run
mvn -pl verinice-rest spring-boot:run
assuming you have proper database setup up, see
Integration tests are written in python using Requests and standard python unittest.
Since no maven plugin has been found which could start spring-boot and run the test against a custom database a shell script has been written to batch several steps. To run the integration tests execute
The script uses the following variables
the database server URLVERINICEDB
the database name to connect to at $VERINICEDBSERVERVERINICEUSER
the user which spring should use for the database (has to exists)VERINICEPASSWORD
the password for the database$VERINICEUSER
the location to a database dumb which shall be used to recreate the$VERINICEDB
time to sleep before running the tests to give spring time to boot
i. e. to run the test against a custom database with a special user run
VERINICEDB=databasename VERINICEUSER=user VERINICEPASSWORD=password ./integration-test
The Rest-API is documented using the spring-swagger-framework. To view the documentation run the application and visit localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html.
To release a new version (here 0.1 is assumed) of the project, you should
Initially checkout the
branch. -
Create a new branch
git checkout -b release/0.1
Until QA gives green light:
Update project version using maven.
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=0.1-beta1
Commit, tag and push the release branch with updated version.
git commit -a git push origin release/0.1 git tag -s 0.1-beta1 git push origin 0.1-beta1
Checkout the beta tag.
git checkout 0.1-beta1
Do a deployment build.
mvn clean package
Put deployment to QA.
If QA fails, fix bugs onto branch
and jump back to 3.1.
Update the project version.
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=0.1 git commit -a git push origin release/0.1
Merge the release branch to master and tag.
git checkout master git merge --no-ff release/0.1 git tag -s 0.1
Checkout the tag.
git checkout 0.1
Do a deployment build.
mvn clean package
Release deployment.
Merge the release branch to develop to get bugfixes.
git co develop git merge --no-ff release/0.1 git push origin develop
Could not resolve dependencies
If you get an error like this
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project verinice-rest: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.verinice:verinice-rest:jar:0.3: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.verinice:verinice-interface:jar:0.3, org.verinice:verinice-service:jar:0.3: Failure to find org.verinice:verinice-interface:jar:0.3 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of spring-releases has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
you have to run
mvn install