This repository is designed as an example of how you can implement a calculator based on abstract syntax tree generated by the LL(k) recurrence recursive descent parser.
As a grammar used the basic implementation with operators associativity, and not vulnerable to left recursion:
tokens = [
T_FLOAT = "regexp:\d+\.\d+"
T_INT = "regexp:\d+"
<expr> ::= <addition> | <subtraction> | <term>
<term> ::= <multiplication> | <division> | <factor>
<factor> ::= "(" <expr> ")" | <value>
<subtraction> ::= <term> "-" <expr>
<addition> ::= <term> "+" <expr>
<multiplication> ::= <factor> "*" <term>
<division> ::= <factor> ("/" | "÷") <term>
<value> ::= T_FLOAT | T_INT
Command Line Interface
$ php ./bin/cc run
$ composer global require serafim/calc
$ cc run
$ composer require serafim/calc
$ ./vendor/bin/cc run