
Repository dedicated to my configuration files of my Desktop environment, drastic changes may occur over time

Primary LanguageShell


Repository dedicated to my configuration files of my Desktop environment, with the purpose of backup and sharing.





GTK/QT Look:


VSCode Look:


Setup Description:

Type Program
Linux Distro NixOS
Window Manager Awesome
Compositor Picom
Web Browser qutebrowser
Program Launcher Rofi
Music Player Ncmpcpp + Mpd
Vídeo Player MPV
Sound Visualizer Cava
File Manager Ranger with Icons
Image Viewer Sxiv / ueberzug (for preview in Ranger)
PDF Viewer zathura
Wallpaper Setter hsetroot
Screenshot tool Shotgun + Hacksaw
Terminal Emulator Kitty
Shell Zsh (Oh-my-zsh with PowerLevel10k theme)
Text Editor Neovim / VScode
Lock Screen Betterlockscreen (i3lock-color script)
Automounter Udiskie
GTK theme Vimix-dark-laptop-beryl
Cursor theme Bibata Oil
Icon theme Papirus
Obs: My vscode settings are not present in this repository, they are saved in a private gist, if you are interested, talk to me on the telegram.