
Allows the components to save and load their data across the browser sessions.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Allows the components to save and load their data across the browser sessions.

Works for Vue 2 & 3.


Try it out!




npm i @seregpie/vue-storage

npm i @vue/composition-api # if using Vue 2

import VueStorage, {
} from '@seregpie/vue-storage';


<!-- if using Vue 2 -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@vue/composition-api"></script>

<!-- if using Vue 3 -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3"></script>

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-demi"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@seregpie/vue-storage"></script>

The plugin is globally available as VueStorage.


Composition API

import {stored} from '@seregpie/vue-storage';

export default {
  props: {
    userId: Number,
    userName: String,
  setup(props) {
    let displayedUserName = stored(
      () => `myAwesomeApp/users/${props.userId}/name`,
        type: String,
        default: () => props.userName,
    return {

Options API

Install the plugin.

import {createApp} from 'vue'
import VueStorage from '@seregpie/vue-storage';

let app = createApp({/*...*/});
app.use(VueStorage, {
  prefix: 'myAwesomeApp/',

Define the options.

export default {
  props: {
    userId: Number,
    userName: String,
  stored: {
    displayedUserName: {
      key() {
        return `users/${this.userId}/name`;
      type: String,
      default() {
        return this.userName;

If the key option is omitted, the property name is used instead.

stored: {
  backgroundColor: {
    type: String,
    default: '#fff',

plugin options

app.use(VueStorage, {
  optionName: 'stored',
  prefix: '',
argument description
optionName A string as the name of the component option that contains all the stored properties.
prefix A string as the prefix for each storage key.



stored(key, {
  type: JSON,
  default: null,
  session: false,

Creates a reference to a stored item.

argument description
key A string as the key. Can also be a getter function or a ref.
type An object with the parse and stringify functions to manage how the data is stored. Use Boolean, Number or String for a predefined functionality.
default Anything as the default value that is returned if the key does not exist. Can also be a getter function or a ref.
session If true, the session storage is used instead of the local storage. Can also be a getter function or a ref.

Returns the created reference.

let key = 'myAwesomeApp/numbers';
let r = stored(key, {
  type: {
    parse: (string => string.split('|').map(Number)),
    stringify: (array => array.join('|')),
  default: [],

r.value = [1, 2];
console.log(r.value); // => [1, 2]
console.log(localStorage.getItem(key)); // => '1|2'

r.value = null;
console.log(r.value); // => []
console.log(localStorage.getItem(key)); // => null


The reactive local storage.

Uses the same API as window.localStorage.

let key = 'myAwesomeApp/backgroundColor';
let backgroundColor = localStorage.getItem(key);


The reactive session storage.

Uses the same API as window.sessionStorage.