
Discord bot for reddit.com

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

RedditBot Discord Travis

Discord bot for reddit.com

Reddit API link here

To run this bot you need:

How to run bot:

  1. Rename example.config.json to config.json

  2. Change BotToken from Your bot token here on your own bot token

  3. Install all depedencies

    npm install
  4. Now enter /src/

    cd  your_direction/RedditBot/src
  5. Now let's run the bot!

    node index.js

    If you want automatically restart the app use nodemon (recommended for development)

    npx nodemon index.js

Join our discord server

Invite link





Invite bot on your server


⚠️ Remember about giving bot role with proper permissions! ⚠️

Please report all bugs and your ideas in issues. Thanks for your help!