Passionate 20-year-old technology enthusiast on a thrilling journey to become a FullStack Developer.
Cornélio Procópio, Pr
Serg-Ale's Following
- AikoyoriThailand
- archcraft-osIndia
- ChristianChiarulli@LunarVim
- codethiDriven Education
- felipemotarochaDesenvolvedor Full Stack
- gustavoguanabaraCurso em Vídeo
- julianazanelattoSimplificando Redes
- khaosdoctorFounding Software Engineer @openvolt
- LunarVim
- Matari73
- nodetecUnited States of America
- P4nd4D3v
- pastegaCopel
- shadcn-ui
- stebsnusch@microsoft
- t3dotggCEO @
- thiago-drParaná, Brazil
- tkssharmaDeveloper at Mercanis
- vnglstBilthoven, The Netherlands
- watinhaUTFPR