Pinned Repositories
It's a loan website project. Technologies that were used: java, maven, spring(mvc, data jpa, security), jsp, hibernate, mysql.
Data representation in modal window. Obtaining data from db (which was stored with text-statistic app) and represents it with bootstrap modal window.
This web app is ploting charts using random data and date. Also implemented here: login/logout, filtering, manual data adding and etc. The technologies were used is: Java, JSF(2.2), Primefaces(6.0), servlet(filter), Flot(JQuery), DateRangePicker, Gson.
Simple java application that receives zone id (region/city) argument and welcomes the city according to times of day.
Simple string encryptor/decryptor (AES-256) web application, using java, spring, Thymeleaf.
This app searching lines (with specified logging level) in log file. Logging level specifies by parameter passing with REST request.
Parsing text file line by line and getting statistic for each line, using such technologies like java, stream.api, mysql.
Sergdev86's Repositories
It's a loan website project. Technologies that were used: java, maven, spring(mvc, data jpa, security), jsp, hibernate, mysql.
Data representation in modal window. Obtaining data from db (which was stored with text-statistic app) and represents it with bootstrap modal window.
This web app is ploting charts using random data and date. Also implemented here: login/logout, filtering, manual data adding and etc. The technologies were used is: Java, JSF(2.2), Primefaces(6.0), servlet(filter), Flot(JQuery), DateRangePicker, Gson.
Simple java application that receives zone id (region/city) argument and welcomes the city according to times of day.
Simple string encryptor/decryptor (AES-256) web application, using java, spring, Thymeleaf.
This app searching lines (with specified logging level) in log file. Logging level specifies by parameter passing with REST request.
Parsing text file line by line and getting statistic for each line, using such technologies like java, stream.api, mysql.