
Ruby on Rails project for find russia's FIAS address via API get-request

Primary LanguageRuby

Create REST-API service for address search in the FIAS

Ruby on Rails project one-line searching valid russia's address via API from FIAS

(Ruby on Rails REST-API сервис для получения данных валидных адресов из ФИАС посредством поисковой строки и некоторых параметров фильтрации) (используется мной в проекте "Медицинское Свидетельство о смерти")


fias_api tested to work with:

  • Ruby version 2.7.3 for script running
  • PostgreSQL13 as Database


config/puma.rb - defaul server ports, thread options, environment config (тут можно настроить порт, режим запуска сервиса)

max_threads_count = ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 }
#Specifies the port that Puma will listen on to receive requests; default is 3000.
port ENV.fetch("PORT") { 3000 }
# Specifies the `environment` that Puma will run in.
# default is production (test, development)
environment ENV.fetch("RAILS_ENV") { "production" }

config/application.rb set default pagination params (параметры пагинации по умолчанию)

# the maximum number of records to be received is set by the user
config.max_limit = 201
# default number of records to be received
config.default_limit = 25

config/database.yml set database connection params (настройка на базу данных)

the user must have the rights to create a database

default: &default
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode  
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
username: rails2  #change it
password: qwerty123 #change it
host: localhost


  1. download the fulldatabase in dbf format from https://fias.nalog.ru/ to the folder dbf/ (грузим полную базу ФИАС в dbf)

  2. run bin/setup, and then, depending on the size of the input data, you will have to wait, while the database is being created from the imported files (запускаем создание базы, и импорт данных)

$ bin/setup
  1. start server:
$ rails s  
  1. in order to save disk space, delete all the files in the folder dbf/ (чистим папку от dbf-файлов)

Getting FIAS updates

  1. download the updates in dbf format from https://fias.nalog.ru/ to the folder dbf/ (грузим обновления ФИАС в dbf)
  2. stop server (ctrl+c) and run rails db:seed, and then, depending on the size of the input data, you will have to wait (запускаем импорт данных)
$ rails db:seed
  1. start server:
$ rails s  
  1. in order to save disk space, delete all the files in the folder dbf/ (чистим папку от dbf-файлов)

Basic API Usage

  • type of request: GET
  • url of the service, by default: http://<mydomen.com>/fias
  • available parameters:
    • query - search query (search for) (строка запроса)
    • id - get address by aoGUID or houseGUID(in case 'building' level's param) (быстрое получение адреса по идентификатору в случае указания уровня building ищется по houseGUID )
    • searchBar - fulltext OneLineString search mode: 1 is ON, other - OFF (режим свободного поиск одной строкой)
    • level - filter address level as (region,district,city,territory, town,street, building)
    • parent - filter by aogoid of parent address object as UUID (выбрать только дочерние элементы для parent)
    • regionID - filter by region code like (24,07..)
    • limit,offset - pagination (задают смещение и размер страницы результатов)
    • total_found - to include number of founded items: 1 is ON, other - OFF (включить общее число найденных объектов)
    • withParent, fullInfo - additional info modes params: 1 is ON, other - OFF (включить вышестоящие элементы адреса, включить полную информаию из ФИАС)


Auto-completion for entering an address in one line:


  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "1 entries received",
  "total_found": 1,
  "data": [
      "AOGUID": "985e90b6-99ca-4d18-abde-bd09ce01100f",
      "HouseGUID": "0afe10c4-bbfb-4ba2-bab8-85de58c27856",
      "name": "д. 65",
      "streetAddressLine": "Амурская обл, Благовещенск г, Театральная ул, д. 65",
      "rustype": "д.",
      "level": "building"

Auto-completion by cities of the Amur region


  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "9 entries received",
  "total_found": 9,
  "data": [
      "AOGUID": "c528e99b-7e81-4290-9cda-8713884472a5",
      "parentGUID": "844a80d6-5e31-4017-b422-4d9c01e9942c",
      "code": "2800000300000",
      "name": "Белогорск",
      "shortname": "г",
      "streetAddressLine": "Амурская обл, Белогорск г",
      "level": "City"
      "AOGUID": "8f41253d-6e3b-48a9-842a-25ba894bd093",
      "parentGUID": "844a80d6-5e31-4017-b422-4d9c01e9942c",
      "code": "2800000100000",
      "name": "Благовещенск",
      "shortname": "г",
      "streetAddressLine": "Амурская обл, Благовещенск г",
      "level": "City"
      "AOGUID": "581855f4-f0bc-44a5-a36e-a298279f9ec4",
      "parentGUID": "844a80d6-5e31-4017-b422-4d9c01e9942c",
      "code": "2800000400000",
      "name": "Зея",
      "shortname": "г",
      "streetAddressLine": "Амурская обл, Зея г",
      "level": "City"
      "AOGUID": "16de8821-04f5-4239-b33b-739f8eff7c88",
      "parentGUID": "844a80d6-5e31-4017-b422-4d9c01e9942c",
      "code": "2800000800000",
      "name": "Прогресс",
      "shortname": "пгт",
      "streetAddressLine": "Амурская обл, Прогресс пгт",
      "level": "City"