
Python bot to trade on Kraken via Telegram

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram Kraken Bot

Python bot to trade on Kraken via Telegram


This script is a polling (not webhook) based telegram bot. It can trade crypto-currencies on the Kraken marketplace and has a user friendly interface (custom keyboards with buttons).


  • Bound to a specific Telegram user - only that user can use the bot
  • No need to login to Kraken - start trading immediately, always
  • Integrated update mechanism - to latest version on GitHub
  • Notifies you once order is closed - trade successfully executed
  • Fully usable with buttons - no need to enter commands manually
  • Following Kraken functionality is implemented
    • Create a buy / sell order (type limit)
    • Lookup last trade price for currencies
    • Show your assets
    • Current market value of assets
    • Show / close open orders
  • Supported currencies
    • Bitcoin
    • BitcoinClassic (no trading because Kraken doesn't allow it right now)
    • Ether
    • Litecoin
    • Ripple
    • Monero


Before starting up the bot you have to take care of some settings. You need to edit two files:


This file holds the configuration for your bot. You have to at least edit the values for user_id and bot_token.

  • user_id: Your Telegram user ID. The bot will only reply to messages from this user. If you don't know your user ID, send a message to userinfobot and he will reply your ID
  • bot_token: The token that identifies your bot. You will get this from 'BotFather' when you create your bot. If you don't know how to register your bot, follow these instructions
  • trade_to_currency: The fiat currency you are using (for example EUR)
  • check_trade: If true then every order (already existing or newly created) will be monitored by a job and if the status changes to closed (which means that the trade was successfully executed) you will be notified with a message
  • check_trade_time: Time in seconds to check for order status change (see setting check_trade)
  • update_url: URL to the latest GitHub version of the script. This is needed for the update functionality. Per default this points to my repository and if you don't have your own repo with some changes then you can use the default value
  • update_hash: Hash of the latest version of the script. Please don't change this. Will be set automatically after updating
  • update_check: (currently not used) If true, then periodic update-checks (see option update_time for timespan) are performed. If there is a bot-update available then the bot will send a message
  • update_time: (currently not used) Time in seconds to check for bot-updates. update_check has to be enabled
  • send_error: If true, then all errors that happen will trigger a message to the user. If false, only the important errors will be send


This file holds two keys that are necessary in order to communicate with Kraken. Both keys have to be considered secret and you should be the only one that knows them. If you don't know where to get / how to generate the keys:

  1. Login to Kraken
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on API
  4. Click on Generate New Key
  5. Enter Telegram-Kraken-Bot in Key Description
  6. Enter 4 in Nonce Window (or just use the default value)
  7. Select all available permissions at Key Permissions
  8. Click on Generate Key

When you have your Kraken API keys, open the file kraken.key and replace some_api_key (first line) with the value of API Key and some_private_key (second line) with the value of Private Key.


In order to run the bot you need to execute the script telegram_kraken_bot.py. If you don't have any idea where to host it, take a look at Where to host Telegram Bots. Since you have to provide sensitive data (Kraken API keys) to use the bot, i would only host this script on a server that you own. You can also run the script locally on your computer for testing purposes.


Python version

You have to use Python 3.6 to execute the script (because of enum method auto()). If you would like to use Python 3.4 or 3.5, you have to remove auto from imports and set the values in WorkflowEnum and KeyboardEnum yourself. Python 2.x is not supported.

Needed modules

You need to install the following Python modules first:

pip3.6 install python-telegram-bot -U
pip3.6 install krakenex -U
pip3.6 install requests -U
Installing from requirements.txt

Do the above to install the newest versions of the needed Python modules (recommended) or if you run into issues, install a set of module-versions that is known to work together for sure with:

pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt

Starting up

To start the script, execute

python3.6 telegram_kraken_bot.py &


If you configured the bot correctly and execute the script, you should get a welcome message from the bot along with the information if you are using the latest version. There should also be a custom keyboard that shows you all the available commands. Click on a button to execute the command or type the command in manually.

Available commands

Related to Kraken
  • /trade: Start a workflow that leads to the creation of a new order of type limit (buy or sell)
  • /orders: Show all open orders (buy and sell) and close a specific one or all if desired
  • /balance: Show all assets and the volume available to trade if open orders exist that block assets
  • /price: Return last trade price for the selected crypto-currency
  • /value: Show current market value of chosen crypto-currency or all assets, based on the last trade price
  • /bot: Show options to check for update, update, restart or shutdown the bot
  • /chart: Show a trading chart for the chosen currency
  • /history: Show history of closed trades
Related to bot
  • /update: Update the bot to the latest version on GitHub
  • /restart: Restart the bot
  • /shutdown: Shutdown the bot


I know that it is unconventional to have the whole source code in just one file. At some point i should have been switching to object orientation and multiple files but i kind of like the idea to have it all in just one file and object orientation would only blow up the code. This also makes the /update command much simpler :)


Priority 1
  • Add command /history that shows executed trades
  • Add command /chart to show TradingView Chart Widget website
  • Add command /funding to deposit / withdraw funds
  • Add command /alert to be notified once a specified price is reached
  • Add possibility to sell all assets immediately to current market value
  • Enable to trade every currency that Kraken supports
Priority 2
  • Optimize code to call Kraken API less often
  • Automatically check for updates (configurable timespan & changelog)
  • Create webhook-version of this bot
Priority 3
  • Add command /stats that shows statistics
  • Closed order notifications: Show gain / loss if association between orders possible

Known bugs

  • Background jobs that check order state do not send messages if updater.idle() is present (commented updater.idle() out for now)


In case you experience issues, please take a look at this section to check if it is described here. If not, create an issue on GitHub.

  • Error message Invalid nonce: It might happen pretty often that Kraken replies with this error. If you want to understand what a nonce is, read the Wikipedia article. This error happens mostly if you use different Telegram clients. Maybe you issued some commands on your laptop and then switched to your smartphone? That would be a typical scenario where this might happen. Or you didn't use the bot for a long time. To resolve it, just execute the command again. It should work the second time - meaning you press the keyboard button again. Unfortunately there is not much i can do. The correct behavior would be to have one Kraken API key-pair for one device (one for your smartphone and one for your laptop). Unfortunately there is no way to identify the client. You can play around with the nonce value in your Kraken account (take a look at the settings for the generated key-pair). If you really annoyed by this then here is what you could try: Create some key-pairs (5 might do it) and then, before you call the Kraken API, randomly choose one of the keys and use it till the next Kraken API call is made.


I use this bot personally to trade on Kraken so i guess it's kind of stable but if you use it, then you are doing this on your own responsibility !!! I can not be made responsible for lost coins or other stuff that might happen due to some fuckup within the code. Use at your own risk!


If you find Telegram-Kraken-Bot suitable for your needs or maybe even made some money because of it, please consider donating whatever amount you like to this Bitcoin wallet:
