PdfCreator allows you to create your pdf files with an easier interface using the pdf-kit package. Unlike the current pdfkit structure, it performs automatic drawing with Document Definitions (dd) prepared over json.
npm i auto-pdf-creator
const pf = new PDFCreator(exJson.documentOptions)
pf.load({ content: exJson.content }).then(() =>{
pf.export('base64').then((base64) => {
}).catch(error => console.log(error))
"documentOptions":{}, // The object containing the page general settings
"content":[] // The object containing the components to be drawn
"documentOptions": {
"size": "A4", // A1, A2, A3, A4 vb.
"margins": {
"top": 10,
"left": 20,
"bottom": 30,
"right": 30
"margin": 50, // If this value is given, the margins value will be invalid.
"info": {
"Producer": "Producer",
"Creator": "Creator",
"Title": "Title",
"Author": "Author"
export interface IPageNumberOptions extends IComponentText {
location?: 'top' | 'bottom' ; // default is 'bottom'
type?: 'basic' | 'seperator' ; // default is 'basic'
seperator?: string // default is '-'
align?: 'center' | 'left' | 'right'; // default is 'right'
- String
- List
- Image
- Table
interface IBaseComponent {
x?: number; // If not given specifically, the cursor value is taken.
y?: number;
textColor?: string; // hex color // default is black
fontSize?: number // default is 11
fontType?: 'light' | 'normal' | 'bold'; // default is light
width?: number;
height?: number;
margin?: Array<number> | number, //margin: [left, top, right, bottom]
"text": "Bu bir testtir",
"options": {} // IComponentTextOptions (pdfkit text options)
/* Base Options Example
interface IComponentTextOptions {
lineBreak?: boolean | undefined;
width?: number | undefined;
height?: number | undefined;
ellipsis?: boolean | string | undefined;
columns?: number | undefined;
columnGap?: number | undefined;
indent?: number | undefined;
paragraphGap?: number | undefined;
lineGap?: number | undefined;
wordSpacing?: number | undefined;
characterSpacing?: number | undefined;
fill?: boolean | undefined;
stroke?: boolean | undefined;
link?: string | undefined;
underline?: boolean | undefined;
strike?: boolean | undefined;
continued?: boolean | undefined;
oblique?: boolean | number | undefined;
align?: 'center' | 'justify' | 'left' | 'right' | string | undefined;
baseline?: number | 'svg-middle' | 'middle' | 'svg-central' | 'bottom' | 'ideographic' | 'alphabetic' | 'mathematical' | 'hanging' | 'top' | undefined;
features?: any[] | undefined;
listType?: 'bullet' | 'numbered' | 'lettered' | undefined;
bulletRadius?: number | undefined;
bulletIndent?: number | undefined;
textIndent?: number | undefined;
"list": ["1. Car","2. Car","3. Car","4. Car","5. Car",],
"options": {}, // IComponentTextOptions (pdfkit text options)
/* Base Options Example
"image": {
"url": "https://example.com/image.jpg",
"options": {} // IComponentImageOptions
/* Base Options Example
interface IComponentImageOptions {
scale?: number | undefined;
fit?: [number, number] | undefined;
cover?: [number, number] | undefined;
align?: 'center' | 'right' | undefined;
valign?: 'center' | 'bottom' | undefined;
destination?: string | undefined;
Table Components interfaces
export interface IComponentTableBaseOptions {
justify?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center' // default is 'center'
align?: 'center' | 'justify' | 'left' | 'right' // default is 'center'
lineJoin?: 'miter' | 'round' | 'bevel' // default is undefined
lineCap?: 'butt' | 'round' | 'square' // default is undefined
dash?: { length: number, space: number } // default is undefined
lineWidth?: number // default is 0.5
strokeOpacity?: number // default is 1.0
strokeColor?: string | '' // default is black
fillOpacity?: number // default is 0
fillColor?: string | '' // default is white
cellMargin?: number // default is 5
export interface IComponentTableOptions extends IComponentTableBaseOptions {
maxWidth?: number; // default is undefined (verilmez ise sayfa genişliği alınır)
margins?: { top: number; left: number; bottom: number, right: number; }, // default is undefined
isEllipsis?: boolean; // default is false
export interface ICellOptions extends IComponentTableBaseOptions, IComponentText, IComponentImage, IComponentList { }
export interface IComponentTable extends IBaseComponent {
table: {
options?: IComponentTableOptions
widths: Array<number | '*'> // çizilecek table sütun genişlikleri (* değeri otomatik boyutlamayı sağlar)
height?: number // satır yüksekliği // default is 25
header?: Array<Array<number | string | ICellOptions>>
body?: Array<Array<number | string | ICellOptions>>
footer?: Array<Array<number | string | ICellOptions>>
Table Components example
"table": {
"widths":[100,"*","*","*"], // Each field is required.
"options": {
"lineWidth": 0.3,
"isEllipsis": true // If this value is true, the height given for the table is fixed.
}, // IComponentTableOptions
{ "text":"Title 1", "fontType":"bold", "fontSize":12},
{ "text":"Title 2", "fontType":"bold", "fontSize":12},
{ "text":"Title 3", "fontType":"bold", "fontSize":12},
{ "text":"Title 4", "fontType":"bold", "fontSize":12},
["Body 1", "Body 2", "Body 3", "Body 4"],
{ "list":["list 1","list 2","list 3","list 4"], },
{ "image": { "url": "https://example.com/images.jpg" }},
{ "text":"Body 3", "fontType":"normal", "fontSize":12},
{ "text":"Body 4", "fontType":"", "fontSize":12},
"footer":[ ["footer 1", "footer 2", 321, 123] ]
/* Base Options Example
Table ex:
Table ex: (maxWidth less)
Table ex: (isEllipsis less)