
Project for remote assembly of Docker images and manage containers. Use python framework - Tornado 4.5.3. Working in the Docker(Base Image: alpine:3.7).

Primary LanguagePython


Table of contents

Getting started


This application works in conjunction with:


  1. Docker
  2. Docker compose


Run project

You need to go to the directory with the Dockerfile of the cloned repository, then:

  1. Create Image: docker build -t NAME_YOUR_IMAGE .
  2. Enter image name and then parameters of connect to DB to the docker-compose.yml:
    • image: NAME_YOUR_IMAGE
    • NAME:
    • USER:
    • HOST:
    • PORTDB:
  3. Run Container: docker-compose up

Run in virtualenv

Create image

To create an image, you need a link to the github repository with a Dockerfile, like this: https://github.com/Sergeivb/coralline-rpc