
Repo for creating github-runner in docker

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


The project for creating github-runner in docker

To run your own self-hosted github-runner in docker:

  1. Install docker
  2. Copy and reanme docker.env.example into docker.env
  3. Fill variables for your github-runner:
RUNNER_VERSION=   # version of the runner, e.g. _2.293.0_, see here -> https://github.com/actions/runner
GITHUB_TOKEN=     # token for identify your runner
                  # more info -> https://docs.github.com/en/actions/hosting-your-own-runners/adding-self-hosted-runners
GITHUB_PROJECT=   # project link, e.g. _https://github.com/SergeiAP/windmill_power_prediction_
RUNNER_NAME=      # name of the runner
RUNNER_WORKDIR=   # workdir inside of the docker to store and run code pushed to runner, 
                  # e.g. _/tmp/runner/work_
RUNNER_GROUP=     # runner group, if you use free version use _default_
LABELS=           # labels to identify your runner in CICD .yaml file
SSL_NO_VERIFY=    # verify or not SSL, type _1_ - no verify or _0_ -verify
IMAGE_NAME=       # name of creating docker image
CONTAINER_NAME=   # name of creating docker container
DOCKER_NETWORK=   # docker netwrok (if required), for `set_docker_network.sh` parameter is required.
                  # If it is not required - use `build_run_docker.sh` only or use speciifc commands in 
                  # `Makefile`
  1. Run build_run_docker.sh to build image and run container (and set_docker_network.sh for set network) OR use commands in Makefile (what is Makefile) for it
