
Primary LanguageShell


you need to install unrar and zip

sudo apt install unrar zip


Put cbr2cbz in a folder in your PATH (or make a symbolic link to the file)

like in ~/.local/perso/bin (create it if not, do as your want, you can use what you want)

Don't forget to chmod +x cbr2cbz

to extend your $PATH, edit your .bashrc file with somethint like :

export PATH="/home/YOURNAME/.local/perso/bin:$PATH"

You can do the same thing with the scripts delete-converted, convert-all, convert-all-replace (meaning putting them in your perso/bin folder, and chmod +x them)


cbr2cbz only do a conversion for 1 file.

cbr2cbz myold_file.cbr will produce a CBZ, in a new folder, called "Converted_comics" in the same directory as the file

However, with the option -r (for REPLACE), it WILL replace your file (after a checking of the integrety of the newly zipped file). Make some tests !

cbr2cbz my_file.cbr -r WILL replace your file (and renamming it by changing the extension in .cbz)

For a full folders and sub-folders (recursively)

Use the convert-all (for testing) It calls the cbr2cbz tool, with no -r, so it's safe, it will create new commics in Converted_comics folders, in all your tree of folders.)

It will recursively treat all the comics, down your CURRENT DIRECTORY.

You can delete those Converted_comics folders, after checking all is good, by using the delete-converted script / command

And, if you are happy with your testing, you can launch convert-all-replace.

Be CAREFULL !!! It will treat all your cbr/cbz files recursively and REPLACE the original ones.