Problem with reading file from GridFS
tgrk opened this issue · 7 comments
Hello, me again :) While I was trying to read file from GridFS (storing works like a charm) I face arity error.
FilePid = Db:gfsOpen(#gfs_file{docid = DocId}).
Bin = Db:gfsRead(FilePid, 1000).
SASL error message
=ERROR REPORT==== 15-Apr-2010::20:29:01 ===
Error in process <0.238.0> with exit value: {badarith,[{mongodb,gfs_proc,2}]}
I quickly looked at source code, but with no luck. What am I missing? I followed code from readme file.
Best Regards,
Should be fixed
After checkout and recompilation and running same code I got this error:
Reason: {badarg,[{mongoapi,gfsRead,3}
Thanks for quick reply and help.
In that case I need to see some more code because I don't know how to reproduce the bug.
This works (I read docid with mongo console):
w(Mong,File) ->
P = Mong:gfsNew("myfile"),
{ok, Bin} = file:read_file(File),
r(Mong) ->
P1 = Mong:gfsOpen(#gfs_file{docid = {oid, <<"00075aba140c1fa34b000003">>}}),
Bin = Mong:gfsRead(P1,100000000),
Thank you it woks just fine now. I was passing bad size argument to gfsRead function.
What's the meaning of gfsRead() second parameter ?
I can't read all the file in-memory, how could I read the file peace-by-peace ?
Best regards !
That is what the second parameter does. How many bytes to return
sure, that was a stupid question.