Erlang driver for MongoDB with gridfs that works with maps and proplists
- 1
FindOne results access issue
#64 opened by winstips - 2
driver support mongo 4 ?
#61 opened by gohuge - 12
_id sequence not matching
#60 opened by AbhishekLYK - 6
How can I update multiple fileds?
#59 opened by AbhishekLYK - 1
How do I perform an update to a single field
#56 opened by dadaxixiyou - 2
How do I use master-slave?
#58 opened by dadaxixiyou - 2
worry~ why Only one CPU is used
#57 opened by dadaxixiyou - 4
How do I perform an aggregate query
#54 opened by dadaxixiyou - 2
About aggregate queries question
#55 opened by dadaxixiyou - 1
How to execute transactions?
#53 opened by dadaxixiyou - 1
How is this installed?
#52 opened by limenleap - 5
logo design proposal
#50 opened by Tobaloidee - 3
Incorrect behaviour on insert with unique index
#22 opened by mdaguete - 0
Overloading the driver
#33 opened by pmembrey - 7
SSL support?
#48 opened by Spoowy - 7
Authentication failed handling?
#47 opened by gotthardp - 1
- 4
- 0
- 1
Fix for mongodb cursor
#34 opened by zephyrean - 1
Example save code not work
#38 opened by Slavenin - 3
Error when querying
#31 opened by jvliwanag - 2
parameterized modules not supported
#35 opened by dvv - 1
- 2
Complex queries with proplists
#32 opened by pmembrey - 7
#30 opened by raviraj555 - 2
Save to an Mongo array
#29 opened by nomadeous - 3
Eventual Consistency & getLastError
#28 opened by nomadeous - 2
Pool Tuning
#27 opened by nomadeous - 4
Mongo custom _id
#25 opened by chakhedik - 6
- 2
- 2
Duplicit results calling findOpt
#21 opened by tgrk - 1
central module for interfaces
#6 opened by benbro - 1
multiple mongo servers (not known at compile time)
#12 opened by vladp - 3
- 11
find not returning all fields
#15 opened by biancalana - 3
src/mongodb.erl:5: function replicas/2 undefined
#17 opened by mdaguete - 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
Strange error with new version of mongodb
#16 opened by tgrk - 7
Problem with reading file from GridFS
#9 opened by tgrk - 2
#7 opened by biancalana - 5
#14 opened by biancalana - 7
Question about supported data types
#11 opened by tgrk - 2
Best way to get total number of documents
#10 opened by tgrk - 4
How to use Object IDs
#8 opened by tgrk - 4
Metadata of GridFS binary
#5 opened by tgrk - 2
Unabe to call mongoapi:recinfo/2
#4 opened by tgrk