_id sequence not matching
AbhishekLYK opened this issue · 12 comments
After reading library I found you are generating oid by your own. But as I have own db from with huge data, newly generated _id by this library is smaller than that I have. It's pattern not matching with my own db _id which is generated by mongodb itself. Any suggesstion?
And I have to work with sorting with that id.
It only creates it if it does not exist. So set _id yourself
If exists then also creating wrong pattern by default. My collection ids are like
{ "_id" : "58f5aa4c5b1c503545d24b3b" }
{ "_id" : "58f5aa715b1c503545d24b3c" }
{ "_id" : "58f5aab65b1c503545d24b3e" }
{ "_id" : "58f5aaea5b1c503545d24b3f" }
{ "_id" : "58f5c0d05b1c503545d24b47" }
{ "_id" : "58f5e7145b1c503545d24b4f" }
{ "_id" : "58f5e8675b1c503545d24b53" }
{ "_id" : "58f5e8a75b1c503545d24b55" }
{ "_id" : "58f5ecd4310a90370aefff7f" }
{ "_id" : "58f5ed7f310a90370aefff80" }
{ "_id" : "58f5eec9310a90370aefff83" }
{ "_id" : "58f5ef4d310a90370aefff84" }
{ "_id" : "58f5f01d310a90370aefff88" }
{ "_id" : "58f5f037310a90370aefff89" }
{ "_id" : "58f5f041310a90370aefff8a" }
{ "_id" : "58f5f110310a90370aefff8d" }
{ "_id" : "58f5f158310a90370aefff8e" }
{ "_id" : "58f5f4b3310a90370aefff8f" }
{ "_id" : "58f5f4fb310a90370aefff90" }
{ "_id" : "58f5f51c310a90370aefff91" }
and when I save by mongoapi:save("test", #{time=><<"1567663014000">>}, Mong).
It generates "003405e55926483322000002"
when generating with mongo console with same command db.test.insert({time:"1567663014000"}) It is giving right format { "_id" : ObjectId("58f5f51c310a90370aefff91"), "time" : "1567663014000" }
And where from I am going to get that _id?
New _id calculation in master
Not up to the mark yet, generating different kind of pattern
Where my pattern is
But new calculation gives
Other library https://github.com/comtihon/mongodb-erlang is generating perfectly.
So use that
No, Your library's repicaset with mongo works much better and easier. I like it all. I have taken their bson and pached into my project. They are giving binary and I have converted that to hex. Erlmongo is easier to work with and understand. I will use this. Thanks for your concern.
-define(MAX_INT32, 2147483647).
%% @doc Fresh request id
-spec request_id() -> pos_integer().
request_id() ->
ets:update_counter(mongoid, requestid_counter, {2, 1, ?MAX_INT32, 0}).
%% @doc Fresh object id
-spec object_id() -> lykbson:objectid().
object_id() ->
Now = lykbson:unixtime_to_secs(lykbson:timenow()),
MPid = ets:lookup_element(mongoid, oid_machineprocid, 2),
N = ets:update_counter(mongoid, oid_counter, 1),
lykbson:objectid(Now, MPid, N).
-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}.
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
%% @hidden
init([]) ->
mongoid = ets:new(mongoid, [named_table, public, {write_concurrency, true}, {read_concurrency, true}]),
ets:insert(mongoid, [
{oid_counter, 0},
{oid_machineprocid, oid_machineprocid()},
{requestid_counter, 0}
{ok, undefined}.
handle_call(_, _From, State) ->
{stop, 'bad-request', State}.
%% @hidden
handle_cast(_, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% @hidden
handle_info(_, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% @hidden
terminate(_, _State) ->
%% @hidden
code_change(_Old, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%% @Private
-spec oid_machineprocid() -> <<_:40>>.
oid_machineprocid() ->
OSPid = list_to_integer(os:getpid()),
{ok, Hostname} = inet:gethostname(),
<<MachineId:3/binary, _/binary>> = erlang:md5(Hostname),
<<MachineId:3/binary, OSPid:16/big>>.
Above is working fine.