
Experimenting with Scala Collections designs for Scala 2.13

Primary LanguageScala


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Prototype improvements for Scala collections.

Use it in your project

Add the following dependency to your project:

libraryDependencies += "ch.epfl.scala" %% "collection-strawman" % "0.2.0"

The 0.2.0 version is compatible with Scala 2.13 and Dotty. Scala 2.12 is also supported but you might encounter type inference issues with it.

We also automatically publish snapshots on Sonatype:

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")

libraryDependencies += "ch.epfl.scala" %% "collection-strawman" % "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"


See the CONTRIBUTING file.

Implemented collection types

  • List
  • LazyList (aka Stream in 2.12)
  • Queue
  • Stack
  • ArrayOps
  • StringOps
  • ArrayBuffer
  • ImmutableArray (new)
  • ListBuffer
  • UnrolledBuffer
  • LinkedList
  • DoubleLinkedList
  • Range / NumericRange
  • Vector
  • HashMap
  • TreeMap
  • IntMap / LongMap (?)
  • ListMap
  • MultiMap
  • HashSet
  • ListSet
  • TreeSet
  • EqSet
  • BitSet
  • View

Implemented operations (on the relevant collection types)

Operations not returning a collection

  • apply
  • contains
  • containsSlice
  • count
  • endsWith
  • find
  • firstKey
  • forall / exists
  • foreach
  • foldLeft
  • foldRight
  • get
  • getOrElse
  • getOrElseUpdate
  • head
  • indexOf / indexWhere / lastIndexOf / lastIndexWhere / indexOfSlice / lastIndexOfSlice
  • indices
  • isDefinedAt
  • isEmpty / nonEmpty
  • keysIteratorFrom
  • last / lastOption
  • lastKey
  • max / maxBy
  • min / minBy
  • mkString
  • product
  • reduce / reduceOption / reduceLeft / reduceRight
  • size
  • span
  • startsWith
  • sum
  • to

Transformations to collections having the same element type

  • diff
  • drop / dropRight / dropWhile
  • empty
  • filter / filterNot
  • groupBy
  • init
  • intersect
  • partition
  • range
  • rangeImpl
  • sorted / sortBy / sortWith
  • slice
  • splitAt
  • substetOf
  • subsets
  • tail
  • take / takeRight / takeWhile
  • updated

Transformations to collections that can have a different element type

  • combinations
  • updated
  • prepend
  • append
  • ++ / concat / union
  • flatMap
  • grouped
  • map
  • merged
  • padTo
  • permutations
  • scan / scanLeft / scanRight
  • sliding
  • unzip
  • zip / zipWithIndex

In-place mutating operations