
just some dictionary-like notes about finane in scala (mostly about trading), the definitions / objects and the relationship

Primary LanguageScala


Just some dictionary-like notes about finance in scala (mostly about trading), the definitions / objects and the relationship

Followed the idea to make the notes in a programming language (here scala) while familiarizing myself with a subject (finance/trading). That for sure makes things/notes more structural and all this maybe a good start/material for further steps.

Almost all material I got from http://www.investopedia.com (/dictionary/) (there is no any 'private' data) other than my effort to tie it rogether.

-- Some vacabiuary

  • Principal Trading In a principal transaction, an adviser, acting for its own account, buys a security from, or sells a security to, the account of a client. A principal transaction also includes a situation where an affiliate or controlling person of an investment adviser engages in a trade with an advisory client.

A principal trade occurs when a brokerage house buys securities on the secondary market with the express strategy to hold long enough for a price appreciation. At that point the broker sells retails to the end use and gains appreciation plus commission.

  • Advisory/Agency trading

  • TODO:

  • Street Trade the trade that is made to deal with with 3rd party (the street) .. TODO


Variance in Investing Variance is one of the key parameters in asset allocation. Along with correlation, variance of asset returns helps investors to develop optimal portfolios by optimizing the return-volatility trade-off in investment portfolios. Risk or volatility is often expressed as a standard deviation rather than variance because the former is more easily interpreted.
