
Directory-like data storage with subtree changes listening capabilities.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Directory-like data storage with subtree changes listening capabilities.


Pyramis basically is a tree with every node having string key and value of any type. Undefined value is considered to be absent, so if you want to delete some value, you should set it to undefined or use special delete function. Values for any subtree inner nodes does not affect values of subtree root. So you can have subtree with no subtree root value, but having children nodes with values.


Create Pyramis

var Pyramis = require('pyramis');

// this is the default options
var options = {
	separator: '.',
	ignoreSameValue: false,	

var storage = new Pyramis(options);

If options object is not specified, defaults is used. Every node in the tree can be referenced with the corresponding string path. 'separator' option is used to set path separator (single character only). If 'ignoreSameValue' is true, there will be no events generated if the value being set to some node is the same as current value for that node.


Use set to insert or update value for specified path:

// path: (root) -> 'entities' -> 'bushed' -> '535'
storage.set('entities.bushes.535','this is bush 535');

Empty string ('') is treated as normal part of path. Root node is referenced by undefined path.

storage.set(undefined,'this is the root element'); // Path: (root)
storage.set('.a..b.',100); // Path: (root) => '' -> 'a' -> '' -> 'b' -> ''


Use delete to remove value for node. It is the same as setting it to undefined.

// equivalent way:
You can also remove the whole subtree.
// removes all values for nodes starting with 'entities.bushes.', including 'entities.bushed'

You can optionally save value for root node of the subtree, passing true as second parameter to deleteTree:

// removes all values for nodes starting with 'tables.', but preserves value for 'tables' node
// removes all values from whole tree (undefined is (root) path)

Get / Has

Use get to retrieve values of some node, or has to check the existance of that value:

var path = 'some.path';
var v = storage.get(path); // v === 10
var h = storage.has(path); // h === true
h = storage.has(path); // now, h === false


You can get all values for subtree with enum. The order of enumeration is from bottom to top(children first, than parent), but the order of children nodes is undetermined. Callback receives subpath (not the whole path!) and value. Also, the calling context of the callback can be set with third parameter of 'enum'.

var storage = new Pyramis();
storage.set('entities.animals','animals root');
storage.set('entities.animals.bear','animal bear');
storage.set('entities.animals.fox','animal fox');
storage.set('things.colors.black','color black');
storage.set('things.colors.red','color red');
storage.set('things.colors.green','color green');
storage.set('things.numbers.1','number 1');
storage.set('things.numbers.2','number 2');
storage.set('things.numbers.3','number 3');

var callback = function(subpath,value) {
	console.log(subpath+' "'+value+'"');

// bear "animal bear"
// fox "animal fox"
// undefined "animals root"

// colors.black "color black"
// colors.red "color red"
// colors.green "color green"
// numbers.1 "number 1"
// numbers.2 "number 2"
// numbers.3 "number 3"

// to enumerate whole tree, pass undefined as path:
// entities.animals.bear "animal bear"
// entities.animals.fox "animal fox"
// entities.animals "animals root"
// things.colors.black "color black"
// things.colors.red "color red"
// things.colors.green "color green"
// things.numbers.1 "number 1"
// things.numbers.2 "number 2"
// things.numbers.3 "number 3"
// undefined "root"


The whole purpose of that tree is to provide the ability to listen for changes in any subtree. You can use three functions for that: watch,watchAndEnum and unwatch. watch subscribes for changes at some path, watchAndEnum is same as watch, but calls listener for the specified path immediately after adding it to listeners list (passing undefined to oldValue). If root value of subtree is changed, undefined is passed to the subpath parameter of listener. unwatch is used to cancel the subscription (use the same parameters you called watch or watchOrEnum with).

var storage = ... (see Enumeration example);

var listener = function(subpath,newValue,oldValue) {
	console.log(subpath+' "'+newValue+'" "'+oldValue+'"');

// watches for changes at 'things.numbers' and all descedants of it
// 1 "number 1" "undefined"
// 2 "number 2" "undefined"
// 3 "number 3" "undefined"

storage.set('things.numbers.2','new number 2');
// 2 "new number 2" "number 2"

// 2 "undefined" "new number 2"

storage.set('things.numbers','numbers root');
// undefined "numbers root" "undefined"

// 1 "undefined" "number 1"
// 3 "undefined" "number 3"
// undefined "undefined" "numbers root"

// removes the listener from listeners list at 'things.numbers'
// it will not be called again

// this watches the whole tree, so any change will be detected