Awesome Code Schools
A curated list of awesome code schools.
- Code Avengers* - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Codecademy - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, PHP
- CodeCombat - Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Lua, Clojure, Io, learn coding by playing a game
- CodeHS* - Game design, computer science, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Java
- Code School* - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, iOS, Git
- - Ruby
- freeCodeCamp - HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, databases, DevTools, Node.js, AngularJS, Agile
- Khan Academy - Computer programming- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ProcessingJS
- Learn JS - JavaScript
- Programmr - Android, AngularJS, Backbone.js, C++, C#, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL
- Silent Teacher - JavaScript
- Tagtree - JavaScript, ES6 JavaScript
- Treehouse* - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, WordPress, iOS, Android, Python
* Paid membership or purchase required for some or all content.
- Bocoup - CSS, Git, JavaScript, Node
- CSS-Tricks* - CSS, JavaScript, dev tools, various other web development related things
-* - AngularJS, React, D3.js, ECMAscript 6
- DevCasts - Django, Go, Java, jQuery, Node.js, PHP, Ruby on Rails, and much more
- Destroy All Software* - Unix, Ruby, TDD, Git, Vim
-* - D3.js
- embercasts - Ember.js
- EventedMind* - Meteor, Node.js
- Frontend Masters* - JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, responsive design, Backbone.js
- GoDjango* - Django
- GoRails* - Ruby on Rails
- laracasts* - Laravel
- LetsCodeJavaScript* - JavaScript
-* - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, WordPress
- Microsoft Virtual Academy - C#, C++, DirectX, XAML, various Microsoft technologies
- Mijingo* - Server admin, Python, Shell, command line, ExpressionEngine, many others
- NSScreencast* - iOS, Cocoa, Xcode, Swift, Objective C
- One Month* - Ruby on Rails, HTML, iOS, web security, JavaScript, Python
- Pluralsight* - ASP.NET MVC, C#, XAML, Visual Studio IDE, basically every Microsoft technology
- RailsCasts* - Ruby on Rails
- Upcase* - Ruby on Rails, Vim, iOS, JavaScript, Haskell
- Tagtree - Express, Node, Yeoman, Gulp, React, and more
- Tuts+* - JavaScript, C#, PHP, Ruby
- WatchMeCode* - JavaScript, Express.js, Mongoose.js, Node.js
- Web Dev Break - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, security, accessibility
- WintellectNOW* - C#, Visual Basic, Visual Studio IDE, the MEAN stack, lots of Microsoft tech
* Paid membership or purchase required for some or all content.
- Ada Developers Academy - On location in Seattle. Year-long program. Women only. Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, HTML/CSS.
- App Academy - On location in San Francisco or New York City. Twelve-week program. Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Backbone.js.
- Bloc - Online. 12 to 36 weeks. Full stack, frontend, Android, iOS, UX design.
- Dev Bootcamp - On location in Chicago, New York City or San Francisco. 19-week curriculum. Ruby, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, common JavaScript libraries, SQL, HTML/CSS.
- DevMountain - On location in Salt Lake City or Provo, UT. Twelve weeks. HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Git, jQuery, AngularJS, or Xcode, Swift, Objective C.
- DevPoint Labs - On location in Salt Lake City. 11 week full-time program. HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails.
- Fullstack Academy - On location in New York City. 13-week program. Node.js/Express, JavaScript, AngularJS, HTML5, and CSS3.
- General Assembly - Multiple locations. 8–12 week, all-day, full-time programs. Full-stack web development.
- Hack Reactor - On location in San Francisco. Twelve weeks. Focus on JavaScript.
- The Iron Yard - Multiple locations. Three-month courses. Web Design, Python Engineering, Mobile Engineering, Rails Engineering, Front End Engineering.
- MakerSquare - On location in Austin or San Francisco. JavaScript.
- The Starter League - On location in Chicago. Ten-week program. Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML/CSS.
- Viking Code School - Online. 16-week program. Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML/CSS.
- Thinkful - Skype mentoring. Rails, Node.js, iOS/Swift, Python, AngularJS, Android.
- Zyring - Skype mentoring. Curriculum specifically curated based on skill level and interests.
- The Recurse Center - On location in New York. Three-month program.
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