
Primary LanguageObjectScriptMIT LicenseMIT


12 DataSets containing 43 tables based on datasets from data.world and kaggle.com Application to create tables dynamically based on the files in folder and Load data by using all-new LOAD DATA InterSystems IRIS 2021.2 Preview functionality. DataSet can be installed or removed by terminal or by using web application. Data can be view and copied by using Web application.

Application Layout


Online Demo

https://medicaldatasets.demo.community.intersystems.com/csp/datasets/index.csp by using SuperUser | SYS

Datasets List


  • Dynamically creation of tables based on the CSV file data.
  • Import dataset by using LOAD DATA functionality by Terminal or by web application.
  • Remove dataset programmatically by terminal or by Web Application.
  • Dynamically view Imported Data from Web Application.
  • Functionality to Import data into CSV, Excel or PDF Format.
  • Responsive web application to view the status of Dataset.
  • All of the datasets can be installed or removed by single command.
  • Usage of %SQL_Diag.Result and %SQL_Diag.Message tables with LOAD DATA


How to Run

To start coding with this repo, you do the following:

  1. Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
git clone https://github.com/mwaseem75/DataSetProj.git
  1. Open the terminal in this directory and run:
docker-compose build
  1. Run the IRIS container with your project:
docker-compose up -d

Installation with ZPM

zpm "install dataset-medical"

Repo Contents

  • Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml, and Installer.cls to create container
  • iris.script, contains script to execute during container initialization
  • /src with source files
  • /.vscode/settings.json for automatic server connections when opened in VS Code.


Getting Started

Importing DataSet from Terminal

Connect to IRIS Terminal
docker-compose exec iris iris session iris
Change Namespace to DATASETS
Run below command to import Synthetic Medical Data dataset by passing dataset ID(1)
do ##class(dc.data.medical.utility).ImportDS(1)

image 11 Tables are created, 83,341 Records Loaded successfully, 140 errors Reported

Use of %SQL_Diag.Result and %SQL_Diag.Message to check errors

As you noticed previous LOAD DATA returns 140 errors. To check the error details we will use %SQL_Diag.Result and %SQL_Diag.Message tables. We need diag ID to check detail which in our case is 5 (Last column in previous snapshot)

We will use Management Portal SQL to check the details

Open Management Portal SQL and type below SQL command to check details in %SQL_Diag.Result table against Diag ID


image and to check the details of 140 errors type below SQL command

SELECT * FROM %SQL_Diag.Message WHERE severity = 'error' and diagResult = 5

image System is displaying details of 140 errors. Please note that we are passing same %SQL_Diag.Result ID to diagResulg column

Importing DataSet from Web Application

Navigate to http://localhost:52773/csp/datasets/index.csp and press Install DataSet button image image

Dataset is imported successfully


View Data from Web Application

Navigate to http://localhost:52773/csp/datasets/index.csp and click any table from sidebar


Export Data from Web Application

Navigate to View Datasets and select particular dataset, click Excel,CSV or PDF button to export data


Removing DataSet from Terminal

Run below command to Remove Synthetic Medical Data dataset by passing dataset ID(1)
do ##class(dc.data.medical.utility).RemoveDS(1)


Removing DataSet from Web Application

Navigate to http://localhost:52773/csp/datasets/index.csp and press Remove DataSet button


Dataset is removed successfully


Importing all DataSets at once

Run below command to Import all datasets by passing ID 999
do ##class(dc.data.medical.utility).ImportDS(999)


Removing all DataSets at once

Run below command to Remove all datasets by passing ID 999
do ##class(dc.data.medical.utility).RemoveDS(999)


Check Status of DataSet

Run below command to check the status of particular DataSet by passing DataSet ID,
do ##class(dc.data.medical.utility).GetStatusDS(1)


Run below command to check the status of all Datasets
do ##class(dc.data.medical.utility).GetStatusDS(999)

Other information

Template used in web application is from Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard and it is free to use to develop non-commercial applications.
