RSA implementation in node.js using bigint-crypto-utils and bigint-conversion

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An implementation of the RSA cryptosystem relying on the native JS (stage 3) implementation of BigInt. It can be used by any Web Browser or webview supporting BigInt and with Node.js (>=10.4.0). In the latter case, for multi-threaded primality tests, you should use Node.js v11 or newer or enable at runtime with node --experimental-worker with Node.js version >= 10.5.0 and < 11.

The operations supported on BigInts are not constant time. BigInt can be therefore unsuitable for use in cryptography. Many platforms provide native support for cryptography, such as Web Cryptography API or Node.js Crypto.

The RSA cryptosystem, named after and invented by Rivest–Shamir–Adleman in 1977. In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and distinct from the decryption key which is kept secret (private). In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers, the "factoring problem".

Key generation

  1. Define the bit length of the modulus n, or keyLength in bits.
  2. Choose two large prime numbers p and q randomly and independently of each other such that gcd( p·q, (p-1)(q-1) )=1 and n=p·q has a key length of keyLength. For instance:
    1. Generate a random prime p with a bit length of keyLength/2 + 1.
    2. Generate a random prime q with a bit length of keyLength/2.
    3. Repeat until the bitlength of n=p·q is keyLength.
  3. Compute Euler's totient function such that phi(n) = (p-1)*(q-1).
  4. Choose a comprime of phi(n) as the public exponent e:
    • Generate a simple BigInt number. Often is a predifined prime e = 65537 = 2^16 + 1
  5. Compute the private exponent d as d = e^-1 mod(phi(n)).

The public (encryption) key is (e, n).

The private (decryption) key is (d, n).


Let m be the clear-text message,

  • Compute ciphertext as: c = m^e mod(n)


Let c be the ciphertext to decrypt.

  • Compute the plaintext message as: m = c^d mod(n)


npm install bigint-crypto-utils

npm install bigint-conversion