
Kuhn-Munkres (Hungarian) Algorithm in C++

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


build status coverage report License: GPL v2

A generic implementation of the Kuhn–Munkres algorithm for solving an Assignment Problem.


Copyright (c) 2007-2017 John Weaver and contributors.
Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Gluttton gluttton@ukr.net and contributors.
Licensed under the GPLv2. See the file COPYING for details.


C++ compiler with C++11 support.


Breif example

// Include a header with the Solver class.
#include <munkres-cpp/munkres.h>
// Include a header with a buit-in Matrix container.
#include <munkres-cpp/matrix.h>

// Create and fill a cost matrix.
munkres_cpp::Matrix <int> data {
    {1, 3}
   ,{5, 9}

// Create a solver instance and initialize it with the prepared matrix.
munkres_cpp::Munkres <int, munkres_cpp::Matrix> solver (data);

// The task will be solved immediately in the solver constructor and
// the solution will be stored in the input variable.
// So the `data` matrix will contain the following data:
//  0, 1
//  1, 0
// That means that 3 + 5 is an optimal solution (it's true because 3 + 5 < 1 + 9).

The examples subfolder contains a set of examples that step-by-step explain the usage of the library.

Complete example with detailed explanations


One area where this library can be used is the data association step in object tracking. Let us suppose that it is needed to track three objects in two-dimensional cartesian space. Gating, filtering and other tracking subtasks are out of scope and in this particular example, we are interested only in the implementation of the data association step. The old estimated position of objects is known, and we need to recalculate it based on the provided measurement innovation. To illustrate this example let use ASCII plot:

^ Y
|   o C(2,9)
|           + z(6,8)
|           o B(6,7)
|                 + y(9,6)
|     + x(3,4)
| o A(1,2)
+--------------------> X

    o - estimations;
    + - measurements.

The project has the following structure:

├── CMakeLists.txt
└── src
    └── main.cpp

The CMakeLists.txt is trivial:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.10)

project (association CXX)

add_executable (association

And source file contains the initial data definition:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

int main (int, char **)
    using point = std::pair <float, float>;

    std::vector <point> estimations {
        {1, 2} // A.
      , {6, 7} // B.
      , {2, 9} // C.

    std::vector <point> measurements {
        {3, 4} // x.
      , {9, 6} // y.
      , {6, 8} // z.

    // Here the data association is going to be implemented.

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


There are several options how to integrate the munkres-cpp library into a project.

  1. Install the library in the system folder to make it system-wide available.
    $ git clone
    $ sudo make install

Since the munkres-cpp is a very small and header-only library this option seems too complicated.

  1. Copy the whole library and integrate it as s separate CMake project via add_subproject directive.
    $ cd project
    $ git clone https://github.com/Gluttton/munkres-cpp .

This option seems the best choise from compatibility and long term support points of view for CMake based projects. This approach not only incorporate munkres-cpp sources into the existing project, but also inherit all the necessary requirements (actually the munkres-cpp has only one requirement - C++11).

  1. Copy only librarie's headers into the project directory and use it as it's part.
    $ git clone https://github.com/Gluttton/munkres-cpp .
    $ mkdir project/include
    $ cp -a munkres-cpp/src/munkres-cpp project/include

This option is simple enough and sufficient and may be used for non CMake based projects.

In the example munkres-cpp will be integrated using the third option (moreover we will copy only the necessary headers but not the whole folder):

$ git clone https://github.com/Gluttton/munkres-cpp .
$ mkdir -p association/include/munkres-cpp
$ cp -a munkres-cpp/src/munkres-cpp/munkres.h association/include/munkres-cpp
$ cp -a munkres-cpp/src/munkres-cpp/matrix.h association/include/munkres-cpp
$ cp -a munkres-cpp/src/munkres-cpp/matrix_base.h association/include/munkres-cpp

Also we need to say CMake where to find our headers (if it wasn't done before):

target_include_directories (association

The munkres.h header file contains the solver sources. The solver takes input data represented in a matrix form (the cost matrix). The current implementation doesn't depend on a specific matrix type and can be used with an arbitrary data type that meets the following requirements:

  • the container type must implement the subscription operator operator () that takes two parameters (row and column) and return a corresponding element of a matrix;
  • the container type must implement the columns and rows member functions that return matrix dimension;
  • the container type must implement the begin and end member functions that return appropriate iterators.

Also, the library doesn't require any specific type for a scalar element of the matrix, so any arbitrary data type can be used that meets the following requirements:

  • the element type must comparable with zero;
  • the element type must implement comparison operators (<, >);
  • the element type must implement addition and subtraction (+, -);
  • the element type must implement the assignment operator (=).

All fundamental arithmetic types meet the above requirements and can be used as elements of a matrix. But unfortunately, C++ doesn't provide any ready-for-use type that may represent a matrix. To overcome this limitation and make using easier the library provides three capabilities:

  1. The matrix_base abstract class can be used as a helper for adaptation existing or creating a new own matrix type.
  2. The matrix type implements the matrix_base interface and can be used if there are no other project-specific requirements or prohibitions.
  3. A set of adapters types that implements the matrix_base interface for the most common matrix libraries such Armadillo, Boost, Eigen and OpenCV.


Lets summaries:

  • the library provides the solver class;
  • the solver requires that input data is represented in matrix form;
  • the library provides the built-in matrix data type and set of adapters;
  • the are no unusual requirements for scalar data types, so any fundamental arithmetic type can be used.

In this example, we will use the built-in type of matrix container. That's why above we have copied munkres.h, matrix.h and matrix_base.h headers. The particular scalar type should be chosed based on the requirements to precision and performance. If there are not any specific requirements the float type seems like a reasonable compromise between precision and performance.

#include <munkres-cpp/matrix.h>

    munkres_cpp::Matrix <float> data (estimations.size (), measurements.size () );

After the matrix is created we need to fill it with "cost" data. For data association, the optimal solution means binding estimates and measurements with the minimum distance residual. So in our example the "cost" means distance. There are different types of distances that can be used for data association (Manhattan, Mahalanobis, etc), but in this example, we will use Euclidean distance. Hence we need to calculate distance between all estimates and measurements:

d(A,x) = \/ ((1-3)^2+(2-4)^2) = 2.83;
d(A,y) = \/ ((1-9)^2+(2-6)^2) = 8.94;
d(A,z) = \/ ((1-6)^2+(2-8)^2) = 7.81;
d(B,x) = \/ ((6-3)^2+(7-4)^2) = 4.24;
d(B,y) = \/ ((6-9)^2+(7-6)^2) = 3.16;
d(B,z) = \/ ((6-6)^2+(7-8)^2) = 1.00;
d(C,x) = \/ ((2-3)^2+(9-4)^2) = 5.10;
d(C,y) = \/ ((2-9)^2+(9-6)^2) = 7.62;
d(C,z) = \/ ((2-6)^2+(9-8)^2) = 4.12;

              x     y     z
         A | 2.83  8.94  7.81
         B | 4.24  3.16  1.00
         C | 5.10  7.62  4.12 |

Let's implement the above calculations using C++. First, create a function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points in two-dimensional space:

float Distance (const point & a, const point & b)
    const float dx = a.first  - b.first;
    const float dy = a.second - b.second;
    return std::hypot (dx, dy);

And then fill the matrix using this function:

for (size_t i = 0; i < estimations.size (); ++i) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < measurements.size (); ++j) {
        data (i, j) = Distance (estimations [i], measurements [j]);

The input data is ready and can be passed to the solver!

#include <munkres-cpp/munkres.h>

    munkres_cpp::Munkres <float, munkres_cpp::Matrix> solver (data);
    // Now data contains the optimal solution.

The task is solved and our input matrix contains the optimal solution, hence the data association step is complete.

Next, we will see how to interpret the solution.

Let's assume that updating of estimation is trivial and implemented as an average value between old estimation and measurement:

point Update (const point & estimation, const point & measurement)
    return {(estimation.first  + measurement.first)  / 2,
            (estimation.second + measurement.second) / 2};

In this case, we can perform the update step using prepared association data like this:

for (size_t i = 0; i < data.rows (); ++i) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < data.columns (); ++j) {
        // Zero means that this estimation and this measurement are associated
        if (data (i, j) == 0) {
            estimations [i] = Update (estimations [i], measurements [j]);

The complete example can be found in the examples subfolder.


Find more examples in the examples subfolder:

  • example_01.cpp - trivial example with obvious solution;
  • example_02.cpp - trivial example with less obvious solution;
  • example_03.cpp - trivial example with input data validation;
  • example_04.cpp - brief example of using adapter with Boost matrix;
  • example_05.cpp - more complex example of using adapter with Boost matrix;
  • example_06.cpp - more complex example of using adapter with OpenCV matrix;
  • example_07.cpp - more complex example of creating own matrix class;
  • example_08.cpp - complete real-life example of using the library for data association;
  • example_09.cpp - trivial interactive example.

Special cases

The original algorithm was developed to find an optimal solution as a minimal. If the optimal solution should be maximal, then input data should be inverted before passing it to the solver.

The original algroithm requires that input data must be positive (zero or greater). If "cost" values can be negative according to the application domain, then data must be transformed before passing it to the solver.

The solver doesn't allow NaN or Infinity values for "cost" values represented by floating-point types. The algorithm is optimized for performance and tries to avoid unnecessary work. That's why explicit data validation is skipped.

If input data are unreliable, they must be validated. The library provides validation functions for different types in utils.h file.

The original algorithm was developed for square matrices, but the solver also handles rectangular matrices as well. For solving rectangular matrices container type must implement a resize member function. Note that built-in matrix type and adapters implement this interface.


The project is developing under GNU/Linux OS with GCC compiler and usualy not tested under other OS and compilers. But in the project not used OS or compiler specific features (types, attributes, etc) so it's expected that the project will be normally work under other platforms.

For easy integration of the library into existing projects, adapters are provided for several of the most well-known libraries:

  • Armadillo;
  • Boost;
  • Eigen;
  • OpenCV;
  • matrices based on std::vector.


The source code is managed using git. The main repository is hosted at gitlab and the mirror is hosted at github. To prevent project complications, a separate branch devel is used for development. Using of gitlab allows to implement CI process. The current CI implements the following steps:

  • get the source code from devel branch;
  • build and launch unit tests;
  • analyze test coverage;
  • build examples;
  • build benchmarks.

CI is executed inside the Docker container. The container is created automatically by commit in docker branch.

All CI steps are defined inside standard GitLab script: .gitlab.yaml.


For development purpose in the project implemented several build targets. All of them help to continuously check correctness of algorithm implementation, performance, memory management, etc. To configure project in development mode checkout on devel branch.

Launch of unit tests. The project contains unit tests to build and launch it performs the following steps:

$ git clone https://github.com/gluttton/munkres-cpp.git
$ cd munkres-cpp
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make tests
$ tests/munkrestest

Lunch code coverage analyze. To get correct report unit tests must be compiled in debug mode.

$ <build and lunch unit tests>
$ make coverage
$ firefox coverage/index.html &

Lunch memory profiler. As far unit tests call all functions which implement algorithm this is appropriate way to check memory management by using valgrind during performing unit tests.

$ <build unit tests>
$ valgrind tests/munkrestest

Lunch microbenchmarks. Buildning microbenchmarks:

$ git clone https://github.com/gluttton/munkres-cpp.git
$ cd munkres-cpp
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make benchmarks

To get comparable results it's required to generate data set wich will be used for all benchmarks:

$ benchmarks/tools/generator/matrixgenerator.bin {dim_1 dim_2 ... dim_n}

Where every dim_x parameter generate square matrix dith dim_x dimension. To launch microbenchmark performs any following command:

$ benchmarks/tests/munkresbenchmark_celero.bin
$ benchmarks/tests/munkresbenchmark_google.bin
$ benchmarks/tests/munkresbenchmark_hayai.bin
$ benchmarks/tests/munkresbenchmark_rdtsc.bin

Lunch performance analyze.

$ <build microbenchmarks and generate data set>
$ benchmarks/tests/munkresbenchmark_gprof.bin
$ gprof benchmarks/tests/munkresbenchmark_gprof.bin gmon.out -p -b

Lunch static code analyze.

$ make cppcheck

Lunch code formatter. Code formatter is used to convert style of each contributor to common style and make code easier to read.
In the project Uncrustify is used as code formatter.
Modified code before commit should be formatted using Uncrustify.

$ make beauty

Bug reporting and work to be done

Check the issues list at GitLab.