Installation and Initial Configuration

Docker installation

  1. Install docker
  2. Install docker-compose

Setup Odoo with Docker

  1. Download the Repository

    • git clone
  2. Enter the folder

    • cd docker_compose_odoo_template
  3. Select Odoo version from the Supported tags.

    • Go to to the link Odoo oficial docker image
    • Select one tag from the the Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links for the respective Odoo version.
    • Update the file odoo.Dockerfile with the respective Odoo version.
    • First line of file odoo.Dockerfile FROM odoo:14.0, 14.0 is the default tag
  4. The next step is to update the .env file with your own values if required otherwise you can let the default values. File .env:

    • DB_IMAGE=postgres - Postgres oficial docker image
    • DB_TAG=latest - From the above link select the respective tag, the latest tag is the default
    • DB_PORT=5433 - PostgreSQL port
    • DB_NAME=odoo - Database name
    • DB_USER=odoo - User login
    • DB_PASSWD=odoo - User password
  5. Before using the file you need to execute the build command. This step is executed only one time

    • sudo docker-compose build
  6. Start all the containers the first time

    • sudo docker-compose up
  7. Comment the line 15 of the docker-compose.yml to avoid installing the base module every time

  8. Start all the containers

    • sudo docker-compose up
  9. Open the Odoo instance by clicking this link

    • The credentials are configured in the .env file.
    • If no changes are made use login: admin and password: admin
  10. At this point the setup was finished if no error occured

How To section

  1. How to start all containers

    • sudo docker-compose up
  2. How to stop all containers

    • Press Ctrl + c
  3. How to Do a Clean Restart of a Docker Instance

    • Stop the container(s) using the following command: docker-compose down
    • Delete all containers using the following command: sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps -a -q)
    • Delete all volumes using the following command: sudo docker volume rm $(sudo docker volume ls -q)

    Note: Deleting volumes will wipe out their data. Back up any data that you need before deleting a container

  4. How to execute the Odoo scaffold command

    • sudo docker exec odoo-stack /usr/bin/odoo scaffold openacademy /mnt/extra-addons
  5. How to execute the Odoo install command in console

    • Uncomment the line 15 of the docker-compose.yml and modify the openacademy by the propper module name
  6. How to execute the Odoo update command in console

    • Uncomment the line 17 of the docker-compose.yml and modify the openacademy by the propper module name
  7. How to include custom addons into the container

    • Create the new addon into the addons-extra folder to be recognized by the Odoo container
    • Stop the server
    • Start the server
    • Remember to update the App list inside Odoo Apps
  8. How to access to the Debuggin session (Ipdb)

    • On a new terminal once the Docker is running type: sudo docker attach odoo-stack