
A Java Discord API. (Requested) http://itsghost.me/jdiscord.jar https://discord.gg/0SBTUU1wZTVNfOgS

Primary LanguageJava


This API thrives to be the best Discord API written in Java with features no other API has, such as account management, and VOIP (WIP).

Download with maven


  • Kicking and banning
  • Profile settings/account settings
  • Message building
  • Online statuses
  • Avatars + Roles
  • DMs
  • Group messaging
  • User talk (edited) event
  • User join/banned/kicked events
  • Invite joining
  • Salt
  • Much more...


  • AddedToServer (AddedToGuildEvent)
  • APILoadedEvent (You might get NPEs if you don't wait for this)
  • ChannelCreatedEvent (group/channel)
  • ChannelDeletedEvent (group/channel)
  • ChannelUpdatedEvent (group/channel)
  • UserBannedEvent
  • UserChatEvent
  • UserJoinedEvent
  • UserKickedEvent
  • UserTypingEvent
  • UserOnlineStatusChangedEvent
  • UserDeletedMessageEvent
  • MentionEvent (1.3)

#Creating a DiscordAPI instance

In order to create the DiscordAPI instance, you'll need to use the DiscordBuilder class.


DiscordAPI api = new DiscordBuilder("email", "pass").build().login();

DiscordAPI api = new DiscordBuilder("email", "pass").build();

#Using the event manager In order to listen for an event, create a class that implements EventListener, and register it by calling api.getEventManager().registerListener(new YourListener(api));. All events can be found in the me.itsghost.jdiscord.events package as well as the Events section.

public class ExampleListener implements EventListener {
    DiscordAPI api;
    public ExampleListener(DiscordAPI api){
        this.api = api;
    public void userChat(UserChatEvent e){
        if (e.getMsg().getMessage().equals("#ping")){
            e.getGroup().sendMessage(new MessageBuilder()
                    .addString("Yes, ")
                    .addUserTag(e.getGroupUser(), e.getGroup())
        System.out.println((e.getMsg().isEdited() ? "# " : "") + "[" + e.getGroup().getName() + "] " + e.getGroupUser() + " > " + e.getMsg().getMessage());
    public void typing(UserTypingEvent e){
        System.out.println(e.getGroupUser() + " is typing in " + e.getGroup());

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DiscordAPI api = new DiscordBuilder("email", "pass").login();
        api.getEventManager().registerListener(new ExampleListener(api)); //Register listener

#Shut up and take my money! ###(Now using shaded jar due to compatibility issues with past builds) [Latest - Beta] http://itsghost.me/jdiscord.jar Maven




