
Probabilistic Jacobian-based Saliency Maps Attacks

Primary LanguagePython

Probabilistic Jacobian-based Saliency Maps Attacks

Original implementation of WJSMA and TJSMA as decribed in this paper.


Please install the packages required by the requirements.txt file.

The complete repository including large files can be found here.

How to use

White box experiments

Train a model

A model can be trained by running the following command

python start_train.py


  • --model the name of the joblib file
  • --dataset the dataset used (by default, mnist / cifar10 / gtsrb, but you can create augmented datasets as it is shown below)
  • --epochs the number of epochs (6 by default)
  • --batchsize the size of the training batches (128 by default)
  • --lr the learning rate used (0.001 by default)
  • --smoothing the label smoothing used (0.1 by default)

The trained models are stored in the models/joblibs/ folder (see File format for more details).

Attack a model

You can perform the attacks presented in the article by using the following command

python start_attack.py


  • --attack the name of the attack (either jsma / wjsma / tjsma / jsma_nt / wjsma_nt / tjsma_nt / mjsma / mwjsma)
  • --model the name of the model joblib file
  • --dataset the dataset of which the adversarial samples will be crafted
  • --settype the type of set used (either train or test)
  • --firstindex the index of the first attacked sample
  • --lastindex the index of the last attacked sample
  • --batchsize the size of the adversarial batches
  • --theta the amount by which the pixel are modified, which can either be positive or negative (not used for mjsma and mwjsma)
  • --clipmin minimum component value for clipping
  • --clipmax maximum component value for clipping
  • --maxiter maximum iteration before the attack stops
  • --uselogits uses the logits (Z variation) when set to true and the softmax (F variation) values otherwise (only used for non-targeted attacks)
  • --nonstop force the attack to keep going until the maximum iteration is reached when set to true

The crafted sample are stored in the results/ folder (see File format for more details).

Evaluating the performances of an attack

You can evaluate the performances of an attack (like the average L0 distortion) by running the following command

python start_stats.py


  • --attack the name of the folder containing the crafted adversarial samples
  • --threshold the L0 threshold below which an attack is considered successful (114 by default, corresponding to the threshold taken in the article)

Augment a dataset

Augmented datasets are used to train more robust models. You can add extra samples to the existing datasets by running the following command

python start_augment.py


  • --samples the name of the folder containing the crafted adversarial samples
  • --dataset the dataset that will be augmented
  • --name the name of the new augmented dataset
  • --spp the number of extra samples per class (2000 by default as taken in the article)
  • --threshold the L0 threshold below which an attack is considered successful. Only successful samples will be added to the set (114 by default, corresponding to the threshold taken in the article)

The augmented datasets are stored in the datasets/joblibs/ folder (see File format for more details).

Black box experiments

Train a substitute model

A substitute model can be trained using Jacobian Based Dataset Augmentation (see https://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.02697.pdf) using the following command

python start_train_substitute.py


  • --model the name of the joblib file of the substitute model
  • --oracle the name of the joblib file of the existing oracle model
  • --dataset the dataset used (gtsrb by default)
  • --epochs the number of epochs (25 by default)
  • --batchsize the size of the training batches (128 by default)
  • --lr the learning rate used (0.001 by default)
  • --smoothing the label smoothing used (0.1 by default)
  • --jbdaepochs the number of JBDA epochs (6 by default)
  • --jbdabatchsize the size of the JBDA batches (32 by default)
  • --lamb the lambda factor of the JBDA (0.1 by default)

The substitute models are also stored in the models/joblibs/ folder (see File format for more details). Note that you can only train a substitute model for gtsrb. For other dataset, please look at models/model_utils.py.

Attack a substitute model

Attacks on substitute uses a different stop condition as described in the article. Note that only non-targeted attacks can be used with the substitute models, even though through simple tweaking, the code of the targeted attacks can be adapted to substitute models. To attack a substitute model, use the following command:

python start_attack_substitute.py


  • --attack the name of the attack (either jsma_nt / wjsma_nt / tjsma_nt / mjsma / mwjsma)
  • --model the name of the substitute model joblib file
  • --oracle the name of the oracle model joblib file
  • --dataset the dataset of which the adversarial samples will be crafted
  • --settype the type of set used (either train or test)
  • --firstindex the index of the first attacked sample
  • --lastindex the index of the last attacked sample
  • --batchsize the size of the adversarial batches
  • --theta the amount by which the pixel are modified, which can either be positive or negative (not used for mjsma and mwjsma)
  • --clipmin minimum component value for clipping
  • --clipmax maximum component value for clipping
  • --maxiter maximum iteration before the attack stops
  • --uselogits uses the logits (Z variation) when set to true and the softmax (F variation) values otherwise (only used for non-targeted attacks)
  • --nonstop force the attack to keep going until the maximum iteration is reached when set to true (set to true by default for black box attacks)

The crafted sample are stored in the results/ folder (see File format for more details).

Evaluating the performance of an attack against a substitute model and the oracle

Since the L0 is no longer a stop condition, the success and transferability rate are computed using the following command:

python start_stats_substitute.py


  • --attack the name of the folder containing the crafted adversarial samples

Example of use

White box

Let's say we want to test the performances of TJSMA against a model trained on CIFAR10. First we train a new model (or you can use the default model named cifar10)

python start_train.py --model cifar10 --dataset cifar10

This will create a joblib file containing the model in models/joblibs/ named cifar10.joblib. The we craft the adversarial samples on the first 10000 images of the train set using a batch size of 100:

python start_attack.py --model cifar10 --dataset cifar10 --settype train --attack tjsma --firstindex 0 --lastindex 10000 --batchsize 100

The adversarial samples will be saved in results/tjsma_cifar10_cifar10_train_1.0/. We can check the performances of the attack by running

python start_stats.py --attack tjsma_cifar10_cifar10_train_1.0

Now we will augment the CIFAR10 dataset with 20000 adversarial samples (2000 samples per class)

python start_augment.py --samples tjsma_cifar10_cifar10_train_1.0 --dataset cifar10 --name cifar10_augmented --spp 2000

This will create a joblib file containing the augmented CIFAR10 dataset in datasets/joblibs/ named cifar10_augmented. We can train on new model on the augmented dataset:

python start_train.py --model cifar10_defense --datatset cifar10_augmented

Again, this will create a joblib file containing the model in models/joblibs/ named cifar10_defense.joblib. We can then attack the new model and check the performances on the two models. This we will attack the first 1000 images of the test set

python start_attack.py --model cifar10 --dataset cifar10 --settype test --attack tjsma --firstindex 0 --lastindex 1000 --batchsize 100
python start_attack.py --model cifar10_defense --dataset cifar10 --settype test --attack tjsma --firstindex 0 --lastindex 1000 --batchsize 100
python start_stats.py --attack tjsma_cifar10_cifar10_test_1.0
python start_stats.py --attack tjsma_cifar10_defense_cifar10_test_1.0

Black box

First we will train a model which will be used as our oracle over gtsrb:

python start_train.py --model gtsrb --dataset gtsrb

Then we have to train a substitute model that will try to mimic our previously trained oracle

python start_train_substitute.py --model gtsrb_substitute --oracle gtsrb --dataset gtsrb --jbdaepochs 6 --lamb 0.1

As before, both models will be stored in models/joblibs/ as gtsrb.joblib and gtsrb_substitute.joblib. Now we can try to attack our substitute model and see if the adversarial samples are effectively fooling the oracle or not. We will use Maximal WJSMA over the first 1000 images of the test set:

python start_attack_substitute.py --model gtsrb_substitute --oracle gtsrb --dataset gtsrb --settype test --attack tjsma_nt --firstindex 0 --lastindex 1000 --batchsize 100

The results will be saved in results/tjsma_nt_z_gtsrb_substitute_gtsrb_test_1.0_non_stop/. We can now evaluate the success rate and the transferability of the attack:

python start_stats_substitute.py --attack tjsma_nt_z_gtsrb_substitute_gtsrb_test_1.0_non_stop

File format

The results are stored in the results/ folder. The sub-folders contain the crafted adversarial samples saved as CSV. The folders are named like <attack>_<model>_<dataset>_<set_type>_<theta>_<non_stop>. This is the name that you use to evaluate the attacks.

The attacks are save as CSV containing the adversarial samples in the firsts columns and the original images in the last column. The columns name gives additional information about the attacked sample

  • for targeted attacks, the columns are named <index>_<original_class>_<target_class>
  • for non-targeted attacks, the columns are named <index>_<original_class>
  • for non-targeted attacks against a substitute model, the columns are named <index>_<original_class>_<oracle_prediction>_<substitute_prediction>

The model and dataset joblibs are stored in models/joblibs/ and datasets/joblibs/ respectively. The models used in our article are provided under the names mnist, cifar10 and gtsrb.