Exercises to Kindelia classes

Exercises for learning Kind language and HVM.

Folder Structure

  • Kind
    • Exercises: Functional exercises with increasing difficulty.
    • Games: Where you apply acquired knowledge to build games.
    • Theorems: To prove that the results obtained are correct.
  • HVM: Exercises about HVM. For example: Nat, Bool and List.
  • Solutions: Where you put yout answers

To solve the exercises you will need to read the Kind Documentation.

Watch the video classes on youtube and revise the slides.

How To

Install Dependencies


git clone https://github.com/<your-user-name>/<your-repository-name>
  • cd on the folder created and make the exercises on folder Kind

Get Tokens

The repository kindelia/class-solutions has instructions about how to participate of monthly distribution tokens.

More info on Discord.

Update your fork

git remote add upstream https://github.com/Kindelia/class.git
git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git rebase upstream/main