for esp-rs
is a tool for installing and maintaining the required toolchains for developing applications in Rust for Espressif SoC's.
To better understand what espup
installs, see the installation chapter of The Rust on ESP Book
Before running or installing espup
, make sure that rustup
is installed.
Linux systems also require the following packages:
- Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install -y gcc build-essential curl pkg-config
- Fedora
sudo dnf -y install perl gcc
is required to buildopenssl-sys
- openSUSE Thumbleweed/Leap
sudo zypper install -y gcc ninja make
cargo install espup
It's also possible to use cargo-binstall or to directly download the pre-compiled release binaries.
Commands to install pre-compiled release binaries
- Linux aarch64
curl -L -o espup chmod a+x espup
- Linux x86_64
curl -L -o espup chmod a+x espup
- macOS aarch64
curl -L -o espup chmod a+x espup
- macOS x86_64
curl -L -o espup chmod a+x espup
- Windows MSVC
Invoke-WebRequest '' -OutFile .\espup.exe
See Usage section for more details.
espup install
# Unix
. $HOME/
# Windows does not require sourcing any file
The generated export file, by default
, needs to be sourced in every terminal in Unix systems before building an application. On Windows, environment variables are automatically injected into your system and don't need to be sourced.
Usage: espup <COMMAND>
completions Generate completions for the given shell
install Installs Espressif Rust ecosystem
uninstall Uninstalls Espressif Rust ecosystem
update Updates Xtensa Rust toolchain
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Usage: espup completions [OPTIONS] <SHELL>
<SHELL> Shell to generate completions for [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]
-l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL> Verbosity level of the logs [default: info] [possible values: debug, info, warn, error]
-h, --help Print help
Installation paths can be modified by setting the environment variables
before running theinstall
command. By default, toolchains will be installed under<rustup_home>/toolchains/esp
, although this can be changed using the-a/--name
During the installation process, several GitHub queries are made, which are subject to certain limits. Our number of queries should not hit the limits unless you are running
espup install
command numerous times in a short span of time. We recommend setting theGITHUB_TOKEN
environment variable when usingespup
in CI, if you want to useespup
on CI, recommend using it via thextensa-toolchain
action, and making sureGITHUB_TOKEN
is not set when using it on a host machine. See esp-rs/xtensa-toolchain#15 for more details on this.
Usage: espup install [OPTIONS]
-d, --default-host <DEFAULT_HOST>
Target triple of the host
[possible values: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, x86_64-pc-windows-msvc, x86_64-pc-windows-gnu, x86_64-apple-darwin, aarch64-apple-darwin]
-f, --export-file <EXPORT_FILE>
Relative or full path for the export file that will be generated. If no path is provided, the file will be generated under home directory (
-e, --extended-llvm
Extends the LLVM installation.
This will install the whole LLVM instead of only installing the libs.
-l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
Verbosity level of the logs
[default: info]
[possible values: debug, info, warn, error]
-a, --name <NAME>
Xtensa Rust toolchain name
[default: esp]
-n, --nightly-version <NIGHTLY_VERSION>
Nightly Rust toolchain version
[default: nightly]
-k, --skip-version-parse
Skips parsing Xtensa Rust version
-s, --std
Only install toolchains required for STD applications.
With this option, espup will skip GCC installation (it will be handled by esp-idf-sys), hence you won't be able to build no_std applications.
-t, --targets <TARGETS>
Comma or space separated list of targets [esp32,esp32c2,esp32c3,esp32c6,esp32h2,esp32s2,esp32s3,all]
[default: all]
-v, --toolchain-version <TOOLCHAIN_VERSION>
Xtensa Rust toolchain version
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Usage: espup uninstall [OPTIONS]
-l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL> Verbosity level of the logs [default: info] [possible values: debug, info, warn, error]
-a, --name <NAME> Xtensa Rust toolchain name [default: esp]
-h, --help Print help
Usage: espup update [OPTIONS]
-d, --default-host <DEFAULT_HOST>
Target triple of the host
[possible values: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, x86_64-pc-windows-msvc, x86_64-pc-windows-gnu, x86_64-apple-darwin, aarch64-apple-darwin]
-f, --export-file <EXPORT_FILE>
Relative or full path for the export file that will be generated. If no path is provided, the file will be generated under home directory (
-e, --extended-llvm
Extends the LLVM installation.
This will install the whole LLVM instead of only installing the libs.
-l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
Verbosity level of the logs
[default: info]
[possible values: debug, info, warn, error]
-a, --name <NAME>
Xtensa Rust toolchain name
[default: esp]
-n, --nightly-version <NIGHTLY_VERSION>
Nightly Rust toolchain version
[default: nightly]
-k, --skip-version-parse
Skips parsing Xtensa Rust version
-s, --std
Only install toolchains required for STD applications.
With this option, espup will skip GCC installation (it will be handled by esp-idf-sys), hence you won't be able to build no_std applications.
-t, --targets <TARGETS>
Comma or space separated list of targets [esp32,esp32c2,esp32c3,esp32c6,esp32h2,esp32s2,esp32s3,all]
[default: all]
-v, --toolchain-version <TOOLCHAIN_VERSION>
Xtensa Rust toolchain version
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Licensed under either of:
- Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or
at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.