
Deeptracy dashboard

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Deep Tracy Dashboard

This project was build with official Angular CLI

Dev with docker

You can dev with docker and when you modify any file, the container will rebuild and update the browser. However deving with docker cannot run karma tests inside the container (no headless browser).

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Dev without docker

You can run the project directly from your filesystem and start a mountebank container to provide mocks. This way you can use the start.deving script to automatically run tests on every code change, and automated browser update.

# start app serving and testing
npm run start.deving
# up the mountebank docker image from the seed root
docker run -it -p 8010:8010 -p 2525:2525 -v $(pwd)/mountebank/imposters/:/mb/ deeptracy-dashboard/mountebank /bin/bash
#inside the container
mb --configfile /mb/imposters.ejs --allowInjection --allowCORS


Mountebank was added to the docker workflow to provide a mock server.

You can add imposters in mountebank/imposters and they will be loaded in the mock server when the container is started.

The mountebank server is started in http://localhost:8010


Build/Upload using Jenkins

There is a Jenkins file that builds, tags, and pushes the image to an ECR, and uploads it to Openshift catalog.

Deploy on OpenShift

The easiest way to deploy it is using Openshift catalog.

### Delete service from console

Since all different objects of the deployment (service, route, and deploymentconfig) are labeled with label:@{APP}:

  • you can request the objects to delete by typing:
oc get all -l app=deeptracy-dashboard
  • and you can delete all by typing:
oc delete all -l app=deeptracy-dashboard

Due to deeptracy-dashboard nginx-based current docker image, it is necessary to add anyuid policy to this SA:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid system:serviceaccount:deeptracy:deeptracy-dashboard

Moreover, this SA must be able to download images from AWS registry.