Set of R scripts to process multiKinect skeleton files to improve them.
Description and order of the KineetR workflow:
Calibrat.R: R script to rotate a skeleton points Kinect file (A) to the coordinate space of (B) using the Kabsch Algorithm.
(Optional) Align.R: R script to align two Kinect skeleton points files and paint the distance between points
Summariz.R: R Script to trim, align and generate files for later combine them. It also counts inferred, replacable, nframes...
Combin.R: R Script for combine two Kinects files in order to improve its quality replacing inferred points from one with not-inferred points from other.
Walk.R: R Script for paint each frame of a Kinect file as a cloud point representation in a scatterplot 3D.
(Extra) Mast.R: Set of R functions from proccess Kinect files
Front file view: oclussed points in red