
A modern Windows app that plays relaxing sounds to help you be healthier, happier, and more relaxed.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A modern Windows app that plays soothing tones to help you be healthier, happier, and more relaxed.

Download from store: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9P07XNM5CHP0

Chat about Ambie on Discord: https://discord.gg/b9z3BeXk3D


The motivation behind Ambie is to build a simple but beautiful soothing sounds player for Windows. Animations are used to enhance the experience. Only a few UI elements are available in the app. This is on purpose because for Ambie, less is more.


Ambie needs volunteer translators! To help translate, follow these instructions.

Adding a new language (requires Visual Studio 2019)

  • Create a new issue with the subject [Translation] fr-CA where you replace fr-CA with whatever language-region code you'll be translating into.
    • If an issue already exists, then don't do this step.
  • Fork and clone this repo
  • Open in VS 2019
  • In the AmbientSounds.Uwp project, find the Strings folder.
  • Create a new folder inside Strings that looks like this: en-US but using the language you're translating into.
  • Add a new Resources.resw item in that new folder
  • Copy all the existing data from Strings > en-US into your new Resources.resw
  • Translate the strings from english to your language
  • Once done, then commit > push > create pull request!

Improving an existing language (can be done with any text editor)

  • Fork and clone this repo
  • Open the the .resw file (e.g. en-US > Resources.resw) you want to edit. Choose any text editor
  • Translate
  • Commit > push > create pull request!


Pull requests are welcome! Please keep in mind the motivation behind Ambie, however: Less is more. New sound requests are appreciated. New sounds must

  • Have a license that can work with Ambie
  • Have an image
  • Have attributions for sound and image

For all pull requests, please make sure there's an issue created for it first and that maintainers have confirmed that the issue or feature request can be addressed. Maintainers can then assign the issue to you so that others can track who's working on what issue. In some cases, you might have contacted the maintainers directly via other channels such as Twitter or Discord. You might have asked the maintainers if you can submit a PR. In those scenarios, an issue is not required.


Thank you translators!