#SEC 2015 Summer | Kyiv | Code Retreat

Clone repo and choose your environment

git clone https://github.com/sergyenko/coderetreatskeleton.git

Ruby Skeleton

git checkout ruby

There is a RBENV installed in a VM, so you can choose which version of Ruby you need:

rbenv versions 2.2.2 is set by default

Make sure all dependencies are in place:

bundle install

Prepare your tests firstly:


See them fail:

bin/rspec --format doc

Write your code here:


And run tests again!

Python Skeleton

git checkout python

There is a PyENV installed in a VM, so you can choose wich version of Python you need:

pyenv versions 3.4.3 is set by default

Prepare your tests firstly:


See them fail:

py.test tests/solver_test.py

Write your code here:


And run tests again!

Javascript Skeleton - karma

git checkout javascript-karma

Install node and ensure npm is in global path

npm install -g karma-cli

in project folder : npm install

to run tests karma start

Javascript Skeleton - lineman

git checkout javascript-lineman

Install node + add npm to global path

npm install -g lineman

In two consoles

watch build lineman run

watch tests lineman spec