The script is designed for scraping hotel prices from Trivago website.
It saves scraping result in easy to read HTML file.
You have to download latest version of PhantomJS and place it in browsers/windows directory.
You can download it from here:
You have to install latest version of PhantomJS.
Here is an instruction:
$ app
Usage: app [OPTION] [ARG]...
--location (-l) Continent / country / region/ city
--date_from (-df) For example 2017-10-01
--date_to (-dt) For example 2017-12-30
--stars (-s) You can set 1,2,3,4,5 (all or some of them, default it is all of them)
--reviews (-r) You can set 1,2,3,4,5 (all or some of them, default it is all of them)
--distance (-d) Distance from city centre (meters) - use it only if location is a city! It is optional argument.
--max_price (-mp) You can set how much You can pay per night. It is optional argument.
Usage Example:
$ app -l Rome -df 2017-10-01 -dt 2017-12-30 -s 3,4,5 -r 4,5 -d 3500 -mp 100
$ app -l Amsterdam -df 2017-10-01 -dt 2017-12-30 -s 4,5 -r 2,3,4,5
Report template