UITextField subclass for formatting phone numbers. Allow different formats for different countries(patterns).
- 2
add isValidNumber property
#10 opened by haashem - 1
Swift 5.0 support
#13 opened by AlexGee17 - 1
I am trying to use in SwiftUI
#17 opened by Imtiaz211 - 1
- 2
- 0
Editing changed doesn't work
#9 opened by adityativ-issart - 1
How to append text with formatting?
#8 opened by ismaiI1 - 2
Wrong complete phoneNumber
#5 opened by VMavrin - 0
textField.text = "string" does not work
#2 opened by SergLam - 1
iOS 8 support
#1 opened by anirudhamahale