
Weather forecast aggregator API client

Primary LanguageC#

Weather Forecast Service

This is a .NET Core microservice that provides weather forecasts from multiple sources. The service fetches weather data from various APIs and aggregates the results.


  • Fetches weather data from multiple sources:
    • Weather API
    • WeatherBit API
    • Visual Crossing API
  • Supports date validation and custom model binding
  • Dockerized for easy deployment
  • Unit tests with xUnit and Moq


  • .NET 8.0 SDK
  • Docker (for containerization)

Getting Started

Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/SerhiiYakhin/WeatherForecast.git
cd WeatherForecast


Add your API keys to the appsettings.json file:

{ "APIKeys": { "WeatherApiKey": "your-weather-api-key", "WeatherBit": "your-weatherbit-api-key", "VisualCrossing": "your-visualcrossing-api-key" } }

Build and Run the Application

Using .NET CLI

dotnet build
dotnet run

Using Docker

  1. Build the Docker image:
docker build -t weather-forecast . -f .\WeatherForecast\Dockerfile
  1. Run the Docker container:
docker run -d -p 32774:8081 -p 32775:8080 --name weather-forecast weather-forecast

API Endpoints

Get Weather Forecast

  • Endpoint: /weatherforecast
  • Method: GET
  • Query Parameters:
    • date (required): The date for the weather forecast (supports multiple formats: yyyy-MM-dd, dd-MM-yyyy, etc.)
      • Current version support history data from 365 day ago and forecast up to 7 days ahead.
    • city (required): The city for the weather forecast
    • country (required): The country for the weather forecast

Example request

curl "https://localhost:32774/weatherforecast?date=2024-01-01&city=London&country=UK"

Running Tests

Run the unit tests using the .NET CLI:

dotnet test