
Automatic creation of game music playlist in Spotify

Primary LanguagePython



Cyberia helps users look for new game BGMs in Spotify. Specifically, the application creates two types of playlists that contain only game BGMs.

  • A Playlist containing BGMs that have close features to user-chosen BGM.
  • A Playlist containing randomly chosen BGMs.

Getting Started

0. Preparation

  • Get Client ID, Client Secret from Spotify for Developers.
    • You also need to set Redirect URIs in EDIT SETTINGS.
  • Execute the command line below.
$ export SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID="{Client ID}"
$ export SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET="{Client Secret}"
$ export SPOTIFY_USERNAME="{Your username in Spotify}"
$ export SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URL="{Redirect URL}"

1. Docker image preparation

  • Build docker images via
$ bash build.sh

2. Start Cyberia

  • Start application via the command below and access
$ docker-compose up -d

User Guide

0. Fill in textboxes

You need to fill in two textboxes (One is not always needed because default number is already set) in advance.

  • First textbox: ID of each track or "random"
    • ID is included in Spotify's URL of each track.
  • Second textbox: Number of BGMs in playlist.
    • default number is 44. You cannot set the number greater than 10000.

1. Push the button

After filling in textboxes, you need to Create! button.

2. Results

  • If you enter ID of your chosen song, Cyberia redirects to the page of playlist named {Name of your chosen song}RelatedSongs.
  • If you enter "random", Cyberia redirects to the page of playlist named RandomlyChosenSongs.